President Jokowi Installs New Scout National Quarter Management Board

President Jokowi installs the Management Board and Financial Audit Agency of the Scout National Quarter for 2023-2028 Term of Service on Friday (04/050. (Photo by: PR of Cabinet Secretariat/Jay)
President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo Friday (04/05) inaugurated 113 members of the Management Board and Financial Audit Agency of the National Quarter of Praja Muda Karana Scout for the 2023-2028 term of service.
As many as twelve members attended the ceremony at the State Palace in Jakarta, with the rest attending the ceremony online.
The inauguration was based on Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia as Head of the National Advisory Council of the Scout Number 23/M of 2024 on the Installment of Members of the Management Board of the Scout National Quarter and Members of the Financial Audit Agency of the Scout National Quarter For 2023-2028 Term of Service stipulated in Jakarta on April 1.
The inaugurated members were:
1. Budi Waseso as Chief of the National Quarter;
2. Bachtiar as Secretary General of the National Quarter; and
3. Nurdin Lubis as Chief and member of the Financial Audit Agency of the National Quarter.
“By the grace of the One Almighty God, today, Friday, April 5, 2024, I inaugurate you as Chief and Members of the Management Board of the Scout National Quarter and Members of the Financial Audit Agency of the Scout National Quarter For 2023-2028 Term of Service. May the One Almighty God continue to guide and protect us all,” the President said.
The President also recited the Tri Satya (Three Scout Pledge), which was repeated by the inaugurated members.
“Tri Satya, on my honor, I pledge that I will do my best to fulfill my obligations to God and Republic of Indonesia, to obey Pancasila, to help others, to participate in building the community, and to obey the Scout Dharma (Law),” he dictated. (FID/UN) (DH/EP)