President Jokowi Issues Instruction on Accelerated Improvement of Regional Road Connectivity

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 20 Maret 2023
Category: News
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President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has issued Instruction of President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3 of 2022 on Acceleration of Regional Road Connectivity Improvement.

The Instruction signed on March 16 was addressed to Minister of the National Development Planning (PPN)/Head of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), Minister of Public Works and Public Housing, Minister of Finance, Minister of Home Affairs, governors, regents, and mayors.

As an effort to achieve the targets of the 2020-2024 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN), the Instruction was issued to accelerate regional road connectivity improvement, thus boosting the national as well as regional economy, reducing the national logistics costs, connecting and integrating economic hubs, and helping to even out greater road stability.

The President gave instructions to take coordinated and integrated measures according to their respective duties, functions, and authority to:

  1. carry out connected and integrated regional road construction, primarily to promote the productivity of industrial areas, tourism areas, plantation areas, agriculture areas, and other productive areas;
  2. carry out regional road construction and help improve road stability, primarily around strategic industrial areas, namely Morowali, Konawe, Weda Bay, and Tanjung Selor to anticipate the growth of slum areas and regional roads with poor stability;
  3. carry out road construction around Nusantara Capital area by widening roads to anticipate traffic jam;
  4. plan and provide budget, carry out, monitor, evaluate, and control activities to accelerate regional road connectivity improvement; and
  5. resolve issues and problems in accelerating regional road connectivity improvement.

In addition, President Jokowi also gave special instructions related to activities to accelerate regional road connectivity improvement through this Presidential Instruction.

First, Minister of Public Works and Public Housing is ordered to carry out the activities by involving related regional government apparatus; to monitor evaluate, and control those activities with Minister of PPN; and to hand over the results of those activities to regional governments as a grant according to applicable laws and regulations.

Second, Minister of Home Affairs is ordered to disseminate information to governors, regents, and mayors on the implementation of policy on the accelerated improvement of regional road connectivity, and to foster and supervise activities related to the policy under the regional governments’ authority.

Finally, governors, regents, and mayors are ordered to provide programs and budgets to prepare documents for carrying out the activities; to prepare planning and licensing documents for those activities according to their authority; to provide build-ready lands for carrying out those activities; and to operate and maintain regional roads that have been handed over as a grant by Minister of Public Works and Public Housing. (UN) (DH/MUR)

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