President Jokowi Meets Indonesian DPD to Discuss MD3 Law

Speakers of the Regional Representatives Council (DPD) meet with President Jokowi at Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java, Monday (7/5). (Photo: PR/Oji).
Leadership board of the Regional Representatives Council (DPD) had a meeting with President Joko Jokowi Widodo, at Main Building of Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java, Monday (7/5).
In the meeting, President Jokowi was accompanied by Coordinating Minister for Human Development and CulturePuan Maharani, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, and Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.
Speaker of the DPD Oesman Sapta Odang (OSO) said to reporters that the meeting was held to discuss the code of conduct of MD3 Law. For the record, the MD3 stands for Peoples Consultative Assembly (MPR), the House of Representatives (DPR), the Regional House of Representatives (DPRD), and the Regional Representative Council (DPD).
The aim of this discussion is to have collective views fromthe DPD and to establish cooperation between the Government, Ministry of Home Affairs and the DPD, OSO said adding that the result was good and supported by the Ministers attending the meeting.
Regarding additional speakers, OSO continued, it has been decided that there will be four speakers.
The DPD currently has three people representing three regions in Indonesia: West, Central, and East. Under the newly amended MD3 Law, the DPD is going to have four speakers.
These four speakers will be chosen from two regionsWest and East or two speakers for each region.
It means, OSO added, there will be one additional speaker. But, he still does not know who will get that position (as speaker). However, provinces that are already represented by me, Nono Sampono, and Damayanti Lubis, are no longer allowed to propose their candidates for this position, OSO concluded. (DNA/OJI/ES) (STU/MMB/Naster)