President Jokowi Monitors MRT Tunnel Borring in Jakarta

President Jokowi accompanied by several ministers witnessed the borring of tunnel in MRT project, at Senayan Station, Jakarta, on Wednesday (23/12) morning
President Joko Jokowi Widodo witnessed Antareja, an underground tunnel drilling machine of the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) project Jakarta breakthrough at Senayan Station on Wednesday (23/12) morning.
The first phase of the drilling started in September 2015 from starting point Senayan Youth Statue (Patung Pemuda Senayan).
The bor slowly spins, right? What is the water?, Jokowi said when witnessing the digging of MRT tunnel in Senayan Station, Jakarta, on Wednesday (23/12) morning.
Managing Director of MRT Dono Bustami explained that the water which come out from the edge of drilling machine is foam intended to soften the soil so that it will be easy to be scrapped off.
Regarding the machine that slowly spins, Dono explained it is because after the drilling, the back of the machine directly forming a foundation to maintain the structure of soil that surrounding the area.
President Jokowi admitted that he keeps monitoring the development of MRT construction although that is the responsibility of Governor of Jakarta. The President hopes MRT project in Jakarta could be finished and become an example for other cities in Indonesia that want to build MRT in their regions.
I monitor the construction of MRT everyday, every week, every month. Although it is the responsibility of Governor of Jakarta, I follow up the construction every day, every week, and every month. Because I want the construction of MRT could be an example for other cities in Indonesia that want to build subway, President Jokowi said in his press statement.
The finishing of the 1st phase of MRTs North-South corridor project Jakarta which cover the route (Lebak Bulus-Bundaran HI) has reached 36 percent. The details are; the construction of overpass has reached 22 percent, meanwhile the construction of underground structure has reached 50 percent (per 30 November 2015).
We could see this morning, how big the underground Senayan Station is. We hope another stations will be finished soon, President Jokowi said while mentioning that everyday the drilling machine could dig around 8-12 meters or 8-10 meters per day.
The construction works which are currently performed cover the construction of column lines and overpass station foundations, the construction of subway station box structure, the construction of underground routes and the construction of MRT depot.
Antareja Tunnel Borring Machine (TBM) is digging frontwards and follows with installing tunnel segment in the form of pieces of precast that 1.5 meter width and forming a ring behind the machine.
I already get the number; thus for 93 days the machine has dug 327 meters. We expect the construction will be completely finished in 2016, Jokowi said.
On that occasion, President Jokowi asked the reporters opinions about MRT after they directly witnessed it on underground.
It is fast, Pak. We do not need to go abroad anymore, answered one reporter.
The President also explained the possibility of other big cities that want to build underground mass transportation mode due to land shortages.
However, several projects have already been implemented, for example Light Rail Transit (LRT) in Palembang. I have not monitored them but they have already started. LRT will also be developed in Surabaya in the form of tram. It will take many varieties. Other cities might provide subway due to land shortages, President Jokowi explained.
During the event, President Jokowi was accompanied by Minister of Transportation Ignasius Jonan, Minister of National Development Planning (PPN)/ the Head of National Development Planning Agency Sofyan Djalil, Deputy Governor of Jakarta Djarot Saifullah and Managing Director of MRT Dono Bustami. (FID/OJI/ES) (RAS/EP/YM/Naster)