President Jokowi Opens Indonesian E-Commerce Summit and Expo (IESE)

President Jokowi listening to the explanation from Minister of Communication and Informatics Rudiantara at the opening of the Indonesia E-Commerce Summit and Expo (IESE) at ICE, BSD City, South Tangerang, Banten, Wednesday (27/4)
President Joko Jokowi Widodo said changes in the digital era is very rapid.
The President also said that he was surprised when he was in the Silicon Valley and felt that Indonesia is still being left behind.
He added that at that time, he thought once he returned to Indonesia, the Government must work very fast.
We dont have time. Otherwise, we will be left behind, the President said at the opening of the Indonesian E-Commerce Summit and Expo (IESE) at the Indonesian Convention Exhibition (ICE), BSD City, South Tangerang, Banten, on Wednesday (27/4).
The President admitted that several local start-up companies have already operated such as Tokopedia, Bukalapak, Gojek, Blibli, Traveloka, and Alibaba which began operation last week.
According to the President, the operation of international start-up companies in Indonesia serves as a warning for Indonesia that international companies have already seen Indonesias huge potentials.
Our digital economy potentials are huge. Therefore, this is an opportunity that we must immediately seize. It is alright if we cooperate with them (international start-up companies), the President said.
President Joko Jokowi Widodo also said that start-up companies should also be developed in all sectors and the budget must be really prepared. He also compared Indonesia with Thailand, in which next year, the country prepares Rp.7 trillion for its start-ups.
When other countries are moving fast and we cannot keep up with them, well certainly be left behind. The competition is tough, but this is a challenge that we must face and we must be bold to face it, President Jokowi said.
Therefore, the President also called on related sides to pay attention to start-up companies. He also mentioned several local start-ups such as Halodoc, TaniHub, limakilo, or Nurbaya Inisiatif.
We must give them big push so they can develop into the next level. We must find them sources of capital whom they can work with, so they can move to a higher level, the President said.
The President also hopes that e-commerce can be used to help farmers who want to sell their products, fishermen who want to sell their products as well as micro, small, and medium enterprises players who want to sell their products, or products from villages or remote areas can be sold through applications.
I think there will be new ideas from our young generation and we must help them,
the President said concluding his remarks.
The Indonesian E-commerce Expo is a meeting forum of e-commerce industry players and this year it adopts the theme The New Digital Energy of Asia.
The three-day event presents 72 speakers both from Indonesia and other countries. It is also attended by more than 150 exhibitors in the e-commerce sector.
On that occasion, President Jokowi also put his hands on a touch screen to mark the opening of the IESE before touring around the stands of the exhibition.
Also attending the event were Minister of Communication and Informatics Rudiantara, Minister of Trade Thomas Lembong, Head of Creative Economic Agency Triawan Munaf, Presidential Chief of Staff Teten Masduki, Banten Governor Rano Karno, and Chairman of the Indonesian E-commerce Association Daniel Tumiwa. (DND/JAY/ES) (Naster/YM/EP)