President Jokowi Shares Indonesia’s Improvement to ASEAN Countries’ Reporters

By Humas     Date 16 Februari 2016
Category: News
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Presiden Jokowi sat jelaskan kepada wartawan di California, Amerika Serikat. (Foto:Humas/Nia)

President Jokowi gave explanation to the reporters in California, the United States

Before having bilateral meetings with Laos and Vietnam, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo took his time to meet the reporters from several media in ASEAN who came to cover the US-ASEAN Summit, on Monday (15/2) local time.

To the reporters, President Jokowi said that fundamental changes done by Indonesia last year were including the acceleration of infrastructure development and policy deregulation on the economy which have been launched in the 1st to the 10th economic policy packages in order to attract investors to increase their investments in Indonesia.

“I will show you our several infrastructure projects, including Trans Sumatra Toll Road which construction has been started last year,” President Jokowi said.

Several projects explained by President Jokowi in the meeting were irrigation, Priok Seaport, Kuala Tanjung Seaport, MRT in Jakarta, Trans Sulawesi Railways, Indonesia-Malaysia Border Road in Kalimantan, Indonesia-Papua New Guinea Border Road in Papua, and 35,000 MW Capacity Power Plant Projects.

On that occasion, President Jokowi answered the questions from the reporters briefly about Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and Indonesia’s position in South China Sea conflict.

As many as 8 (eight) reporters from 5 (five) different countries, namely Laos, Malaysia, Vietnam, Thailand, dan the Philippines attended the event. (TKP/SLN/UN/EN) (RAS/MMB/YM/Naster)

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