President Jokowi Signs Presidential Decree on National Export Enhancement Task Force

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 26 September 2023
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President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo issued Presidential Decree Number 24 of 2023 on National Export Enhancement Task Force.

“That in order to maintain and enhance the national export performance and strengthen the trade balance to promote national economic growth, an adaptive, responsive, and collaborative strategy is required, which is carried out in an integrated manner by a special task force,” one of the considerations of the decree reads.

The National Export Enhancement Task Force or The Export Acceleration Task Force, as mentioned in the decree, consists of the Steering Committee chaired by Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs and Team, which members are appointed by the Decree of Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs as Chair of the Steering Committee.

The Steering Committee, according to the decree, is in charge of:

  1. formulating adaptive and responsive export enhancement policies;
  2. establishing integrated and collaborative strategic measures for the implementation of the aforementioned adaptive and responsive export enhancement policies;
  3. determining swift and precise solutions for strategic problems that arise during the export enhancement process (business not as usual); and
  4. coordinating related ministries/agencies, local governments, and business entities/associations in the pursuit of export enhancement.

The Team, according to the decree, is in charge of:

  1. coordinating the implementation of export enhancement programs in line with the policies and strategic steps set by the Steering Committee;
  2. developing resources and export industries, including improving productivity and competitiveness;
  3. establishing strategies for international trade cooperation through diplomacy, promotion, products’ information dissemination, and export market development;
  4. Strengthening competitiveness by enhancing efficiency in terms of export licensing and export services through simplification, synchronization, and business process and export service integration;
  5. Reinforcing the integration of export financing access and insurance services, as well as export financing guarantees among various financial institutions and business entities and their export commodities; and
  6. Determining strategies for enhancing the role of micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises in exports by integrating them into the national export provider ecosystem.

“The Presidential Decree shall come into force on the date of its enactment,” reads Article 11 of the Presidential Decree established by the President on 20 September 2023. (UN) (AP/LW)

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