President Jokowi Signs Presidential Decree on National Inflation Control Team

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 21 Agustus 2017
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Inflasi-300x144In order to maintain a low, stable inflation rate as a prerequisite for sustainable economic growth, on 8 August 2017, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo signed a Presidential Decree Number 23 of 2017 on the National Inflation Control Team.

The National Inflation Control Team consists of: 1. the Central Inflation Control Team; 2. the Provincial Inflation Control Team; and 3. the Regent/City Inflation Control Team.

Under the Presidential Decree, the Central Inflation Control Team has the following tasks: a. Coordinate and synchronize the planning, controlling, and achievement of inflation target set by the Government; b. Undertake measures to resolve obstacles and problems in the framework of planning, controlling, and achieving the inflation target set by the Government; and c. Monitor and evaluate the control and achievement of inflation target.

In the meantime, the composition of the Central Inflation Control Team consists of: a. Chairman: Coordinating Minister for the Economy; b. Vice Chairman I: Governor of Bank Indonesia; c. Vice Chairman II: Minister of Finance; d. Vice Chairman III: Minister of Home Affairs.

Members: 1. Minister of Trade; 2. Minister of Agriculture; 3. Minister of Transportation; 4. Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources; 5. Minister of National Development Planning /Head of National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas); 6. Minister of Public Works and Public Housing; 7. Minister of State-Owned Enterprises; 8. Cabinet Secretary; 9. Chief of the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia. F. Secretary: Deputy for Macro Economic Coordination and Finance, Coordinating Ministry for the Economy.

“The Inflation Control Team as mentioned may involve Ministries/Agencies, the Provincial Inflation Control Team; the Regency/City Inflation Control Team, as well as other parties deemed necessary,” reads Article 3 paragraph (3) of the Decree.

The Central Inflation Control Team may be assisted by the Working Group and the Secretariat, whose tasks and membership are stipulated by the Coordinating Minister for the Economy as the Chairman of the Central Inflation Control Team.

In addition, the Provincial Inflation Control Team has the following tasks: a. Collect data and information on the development of prices of crucial and essential goods and services at the provincial level; b. Prepare inflation control policies at the provincial level by taking into account the national inflation control policies; c. Make efforts to strengthen the logistics system at the provincial level; d. Coordinate with the Central Inflation Control Team and the Regency/City Inflation Control Team; and/or e. Carry out other measures in the context of resolving obstacles and issues of inflation control at the provincial level.

“The Provincial Inflation Control Team led by the Governor, Head of official representative office of Bank Indonesia as Vice Chairman, as well as Secretary and members from regional organizations related to inflation, and stipulated by the Decision of the Governor,” reads Article 4, paragraph (3) of the Decree.

Moreover, the Regency/City Inflation Control Team has the task: a. Collect data and information on the development of prices of crucial and essential goods and services at the Regency/City level; b. Develop inflation control policies by paying attention to the national inflation control policies and inflation control at the provincial level; c. Make efforts to strengthen Regency/City logistics systems; d. Coordinate with the Central Inflation Control Team and the Provincial Inflation Control Team; and/or d. Undertake other measures to resolve obstacles and problems of inflation control at the Regency/City level.

“Inflation Control Teams at the Regency/City level is led by Regent/Mayor, Head of official representative office of Bank Indonesia as Vice Chairman, as well as the Secretary and Members of the leaders of regional organizations related to inflation,” reads Article 5 paragraph (2).

Under this Decree, the Central Inflation Control Team reports the results of the execution of its duty to the President on a quarterly basis and at any time if necessary. Meanwhile, the Provincial Inflation Control Teams reports the results of its duties to the Coordinating Minister for the Economy as Head of the Central Inflation Control Team on a quarterly basis or at any time if necessary.

The Regency/City Inflation Control Team reports the results of its work to the Coordinating Minister for the Economy as Head of Inflation Control Team through the Provincial Inflation Control Team on a quarterly basis or at any time if necessary.

All costs and expenses required for the executions of duties: a. The Central Inflation Control Team shall be charged to the State Budget as well as other legitimate sources; b. The Provincial Inflation Control Team shall be charged to the Provincial Budget as well as other legitimate sources; and the Regency/City Inflation Control Team shall be charged to the Regency/City Budget as well as other legitimate sources.

“This Presidential Decree shall apply from the date of its stipulation,” reads Article 11 of the Presidential Decree No. 23 of 2017 stipulated in Jakarta on 8 August 2017. (Center for Data and Information/ES) (MUR/YM/Naster).

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