President Jokowi Signs Presidential Regulation on General Planning for National Energy

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 3 April 2017
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3aprilTo implement Article 12 paragraph (2) and Article 17 paragraph (1) of Law Number 30 of 2007 on Energy, the Government deems it necessary to stipulate the General Planning for National Energy (RUEN).

For that reason, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo on 2 March 2017 signed a Presidential Regulation Number 22 of 2017 on the General Planning for National Energy (RUEN).

The Presidential Regulation states that RUEN is a policy of the Central Government on a plan to manage the national energy, which is an elaboration and the implementation plan of the multi-sectoral National Energy Policy (KEN) aimed at meeting the objectives of the National Energy Policy.

In the meantime, the National Energy Policy (KEN) is a policy in managing energy based on the principles of being equal, sustainable, and environmental friendly to materialize national energy independence and security.

“The RUEN is compiled by the Central Government and stipulated by the National Energy Board (DEN) and shall remain in force until 2050,” Article 2 of the Regulation says.

The RUEN covers: a. Preface; b. Current Condition of the National Energy and its Future Expectations; c. Vision, Mission, Objectives, and Target of the National Energy: d. Policy, Strategy of National Energy Management; and e. Closing.

“RUEN as intended is an integral part of this Presidential Regulation,” Article 2 paragraph (2) of the Presidential Regulation says.

RUEN as intended can be used as a reference of: a. Formulation of planning documents of the central and regional development; b. Formulation of National Electricity General Plan (RUKN) and Electricity Procurement Business Plan (RUPTL); and c. Formulation and implementation of the State Budget (APBN)/ Regional Budget (APBD) by the ministries/non-ministerial government institutions, and Regional Government.

According to the Presidential Regulation, the National Energy Board (DEN) and the ministries shall conduct: a. dissemination of the RUEN to related agencies both in Central or Regional Government, and also to the related parties; and b. Coaching for the Formulation of Provincial Electricity General Plan (RUED-P).

The Presidential Regulation also states that the DEN monitors the implementation of RUEN and other cross-energy policies. The results of the monitoring will be discussed in a Meeting of the members of DEN and will be reported to the Chairman of DEN or discussed in a Plenary Meeting of the DEN.

The RUEN may be revised and updated once every 5 (five) years or anytime in the case when: a. KEN is undergoing a fundamental change; and/or b. There are changes in strategic environment, such as the changes in energy planning indicators, be it at national, regional, or international levels.

“This Presidential Regulation shall apply as of the date of its enactment” Article 7 of the Presidential Regulation Number 22 of 2017 which is promulgated by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Yasonna H. Laoly on 13 March 2017 says. (Pusdatin/ES) (RA/EP/YM/Naster)

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