President Jokowi Signs Presidential Regulation on Security, Safeguarding of Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 20 September 2018
Category: News
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Iring-Iringan-300x168Considering that candidates for President and Vice President require professional security and safeguarding, from the determination to the stipulation of selected Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates by the General Election Commission (KPU), President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, on 19 September 2018, has signed Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 85 of 2018 on Security and Safeguarding of Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates during the Implementation of Presidential and Vice Presidential Elections. (Link: Perpres Nomor 85 Tahun 2018).

Under this Regulation, the duties are carried out by the Indonesian National Police (Polri) from the determination and stipulation of candidate pairs for the President and Vice President to the stipulation of the President- and Vice President-elect.

“In the event that the President and Vice President become Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates, the security and safeguarding are still provided in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations,” reads Article 2 paragraph (2) of this Regulation.

This Presidential Regulation states that the security covers: a. personal affairs of Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates; b. candidates’ spouses; c. residence and lodging used by the candidates; d. place of activities, events and other installations attended by the candidates; e. food and medical needs; and f. vehicles used by the candidates.

Meanwhile, the safeguarding covers: a. personal affairs of Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates; b. candidates’ spouses; and c. vehicles used by the candidates.

Whereas, the security and safeguarding of the President- and Vice President-elect are carried out by Presidential Security Detail (Paspampres) after the KPU stipulates the results of the presidential and vice presidential elections.

“Further provisions on technical guidelines for the implementation of security and safeguarding of Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates are regulated by the Regulation of the Indonesian National Police,” reads Article 7 of this Regulation.

The security and safeguarding for the candidates, under this Presidential Regulation, are financed from the State Budget in the Budget Section of the Indonesian National Police. Meanwhile, for the President- and Vice President-elect are financed from State Budget in the Budget Section of relevant state ministries/institutions.

“This Presidential Regulation comes into effect from the date of its promulgation,” reads Article 10 of this Presidential Regulation, which is promulgated by Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna H. Laoly on 19 September 2018.(Center for Data & Information of Cabinet Secretariat/ES) (MUR/MMB/YM/Naster).

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