President Jokowi Signs Regulation on Action Plan for Mercury Use Reduction and Abolishment

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 7 Mei 2019
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Bahaya-MerkuriConsidering that mercury is a hazardous and toxic material resistant to decomposition and can accumulate in living things, the Government deems it necessary to regulate its use so as not to bring negative impacts on human health and the environment.

Based on that consideration, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo on 22 April 2019 signed a Presidential Regulation Number 21 of 2019 on the National Action Plan for Reduction and Abolishment of Mercury Use.

“Mercury is a chemical substance consisting of a single chemical element or its compounds which is bind to one or more other chemical elements,” reads Article 1 paragraph (1) of this Presidential Regulation.

The Presidential Regulation covers strategies, activities, and targets for reducing and eliminating mercury, which is prioritized in the areas of manufacture, energy, small-scale gold mining, and  health.

“The National Action Plan shall be carried out within the period of 2018-2030 and constitute as basic data to measure the success of the National Action Plan,” reads Article 2 paragraphs (3) and (4).

Under this Presidential Regulation, mercury reduction strategy is carried out through strengthening commitment, coordination, and cooperation between related ministries/non-ministerial government institutions; strengthening coordination of cooperation between central and regional governments; establishing information systems; strengthening community involvement through communication, information and education; strengthening commitment of the business world in reducing mercury; and  adopting an environmentally friendly alternative technology.

In the meantime, strategies for abolishing the use of mercury are adopted through strengthening commitment, coordination, and cooperation between related ministries/non-ministerial government institutions; strengthening coordination of cooperation between central and regional governments;  improving leadership, institutional, and human resource capacity in the abolishment of mercury use; establishing information systems; strengthening community involvement through communication, information and education; adopting alternative technologies for processing mercury-free gold; shifting livelihoods of local communities; and strengthening the rule of law.

Targets for reducing and abolishing the use of mercury include:

  1. Reduction of mercury use amounting to: 1) 50 percent of the set figure before the National Action Plan policy in 2030 for manufacturing priority areas; 2) 33.2 percent of the set figure before the National Action Plan policy in 2030 for energy priority sector.
  2. Abolishment of mercury use amounting to: 1) 100 percent of the set figure before the National Action Plan policy in 2030 for priority areas of small-scale gold mining; and 2) 100 percent of the set figure in 2020 for health sector.

“The targets of reduction and abolishment of mercury use as intended are met through activities as listed in Attachment II which is an integral part of this Presidential Regulation,” reads Article 5.

The National Action Plan serves as a guideline for: a. Minister of the Environment and Forestry, ministers, and/or heads of non-ministerial government institutions in establishing policies related to the reduction and abolishment of mercury use; b. Governor in compiling and stipulating provincial Action Plan; and c. Regent/Mayor in compiling and stipulating regency/city Action Plan.

All costs and expenses arising from the implementation of this Presidential Regulation, according to this Presidential Regulation, are borne by the State Budget, Regional Budget, and other legal and non-binding sources in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations.

The Governor and Regent/Mayor must formulate and stipulate provincial and regency/city Action Plan respectively no later than 1 (one) year from this Presidential Regulation comes into force.

“This Presidential Regulation shall come into force on the date of its promulgation,” reads Article 16 of the Presidential Regulation Number 21 of 2019, promulgated by Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna H. Laoly on 26 April 2019. (Pusdatin/ES) 

Translated by: Muhardi

Edited by: M. Ersan Pamungkas

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