President Jokowi Tells His Ministries to be Result-Oriented

By Humas     Date 8 Desember 2015
Category: News
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SKP Bogor

President Jokowi giving directions during Plenary Cabinet Meeting at Bogor Presidential Palace on Tuesday (8/12)

President Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo has instructed his ministries to be result-oriented and to cut down on regulations that impede working performances.

“Starting January (next year), we have to run fast. I don’t want all of us to be trapped in routines, in business as usual scenario, and to be monotonous,” the President said in his remarks before the Plenary Cabinet Meeting at Bogor Presidential Palace on Tuesday (8/12)

President Jokowi also told his cabinet to implement ‘new traditions’, ‘new ways’, and ‘new patterns’.

“All of us must be brave to reverse our orientation from procedure-orientation into result orientation,” the President said, adding that the procedures will follow.

“It has to be totally reversed.  All of us have to be result-oriented, not procedure-oriented,” the President said.

The President explained that there are 42,000 regulations, including presidential regulations, government regulations, ministerial regulations, and next year, the President added, those regulations must be cut in half in every ministry.

“We have to eliminate complicated regulations that have so far caused us to be shackled and made us unable to move fast, to be not flexible, to be unable to jump,” the President said, adding that, those things have made the government cannot move fast.

The plenary cabinet meeting was attended by Vice President Jusuf Kalla, all ministers of the Working Cabinet, Commander of the Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI) General Gatot Nurmantyo, Chief of the Indonesian National Police (Kapolri) General Badrodin Haiti, Chairman of the National Intelligence Agency (BIN) Sutiyoso, and Head of the Agency for the Placement and Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (BNP2TKI) Nusron Wahid. (FID/UN/RAH/OJI/ES)  (EP/YM/Naster)

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