President Jokowi Tells Kapolri to Raise Awareness Towards Christmas, New Year

By Humas     Date 21 Desember 2015
Category: News
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Aman-300x193President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has received the report about the security threat that could possibly happen at the time near Christmas and New Year.

Responding to the report, the President asked the Indonesian National Police (Polri) Chief Gen, Badrodin Haiti to take some preventive measures.

“Anyhow, we have several experiences in New Year, Christmas and other celebrations. Moreover, now it is added with the maulid of the Prophet Muhammad. Thus, the President particularly asked the Indonesian National Police (Polri) Chief to raise awareness towards the threat potentials,” Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung said to the reporters at the State Palace, Jakarta, on Monday (21/12) morning.

Pramono also said that   we could not be careless because the threat is still out there. He also mentioned that according to the documents, there will be “newlyweds” and “concert”.

“So, the President certainly has received the report about measures that will be taken by the Indonesian National Police (Polri), Indonesian National Police Chief (Kapolri) and his officials, in an official meeting that was attended by the President and Vice President,” Pramono said.

Asked whether security before Christmas is guaranteed, Pramono said that: “We will increase the security and also assign a greater number of poloce officers. Besides , the Government will not only rely on the Indonesian National Police (Polri) and Indonesian National Defence Forces (TNI) but also on people’s participations,” Pramono said.

According to the Cabinet Secretary, there are several mass organizations (Ormas) which will help Polri to secure the celebration of Christmas and New Year.

Thus, the Government believes this year’s Christmas and New Year celebrations will run smoothly.

“The President also asked the people who will celebrate Christmas and New Year not to overly celebrate it. So, once again, we want to deliver that the President understood, knew about what the Indonesian National Police Chief (Kapolri) reported,” Pramono said.

 Regarding the terms of “newlyweds” and “concert” in the security breach, Pramono explained the terms mean some group will cause security breach.

 However, Pramono added, preventive approaches become the major point and the Government received reports and strong evidences from the Kapolri.

“The evidences include the initiation of perpetrators, equipments and scheme, the location and others,” Pramono said.

However, the Cabinet Secretary added that the Government wants to prioritize soft approach rather than security approach because the de-radicalization could not only be solved by security power, but also by cultural, religious, educational and prosperity approaches.

 “That is what the Government does for now,” the Cabinet Secretary said.

 (FID/JAY/ES) (RAS/EP/YM/Naster)

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