President Jokowi: This is a Momentum to Improve Indonesian Football Management

By Humas     Date 19 Oktober 2015
Category: News
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The coach of Arema Cronus Football Club Joko Susilo has a dialogue with President Joko Widodo, at the Negara Palace, on Monday (19/10) evening.

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo believes national football still has a bright future as long as it is supported with great planning, goals and right targets.

It also needs improvement in national football management, the President added.

“I think this is a momentum to improve, reform, and fix the whole thing, both from management planning in general and management planning of our organization. The implementation must be improved continuously. There must be someone who is in control, so the good image of our football could be created,” President Joko Widodo said in his remarks during a meeting with representatives of team players and officials of the 2015 President Cup, at the Negara Palace, on Monday (19/10) afternoon.

Therefore, President Joko Widodo called on all football enthusiasts to take an initiative and think about the improvement in the country’s football so it could be well accepted by the people and have a good image among them.

He also said market of football industries in Indonesia is huge, but it has not been managed well yet.

“Do not let all of us here today feel pessimistic. We must be optimistic that the future of our national football will get better,” President Joko Widodo said in an event attended by the football team players and officials who wore batik.

If image and perception of the national football get better, President Jokowi believes that the people would automatically buy ticket because they want to watch football with quality and integrity.

“That is the thing which will improve national football image and perception and encourage the team players,” the President said.

The President also reminded all that people’s enthusiasm to football is huge, as reflected in their interests when watching football match at Manahan Solo and Gelora Bung Karno stadiums.

“This is an opportunity in front of us. However, the management of football industry must be professional, well implemented and based on a good fairplay,” the President added.

Regarding the implementation of the 2015 President Cup, President Jokowi asked to audit the spending.

He also hoped that the prize of the next President Cup in 2016 could  increase.

“I hope, next year, the prize will be doubled. When the football tournament gets famous, it does not have to put my name to attract the sponsors,”President Jokowi said.

Regarding the plan for the next competition, President Jokowi said that in mid November 2015, there will be a football competition that offers a huge prize.

”I only ask you to be prepared. I prepared the huge prize, assistance to the clubs, and also huge prizes to the best player, but the one awarded should be someone else than Zulham,” President Joko Widodo said that and met with laughter from the football team players and officials of the 2015 President Cup participant.

During the meeting, President Jokowi was accompanied by the Minister of Youth and Sports Imam Nahrawi, and team players and officials who participated in 2015 President Cup, among others; majority of team players of Persib Bandung football club, Sriwijaya FC and other representative participants.

During his remarks, the President asked several players to express their opinion directly to him. (DAN/DEN/ES) (RAS/EP/YM/Naster)

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