President Jokowi to Deliver State of the Nation Address Speech Before Parliament

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 16 Agustus 2022
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President Joko Widodo on the Annual Session of the MPR and the Joint Session of the DPR and DPD at the Parliamentary Complex in Jakarta, Tuesday (08/16). (Photo by: BPMI of Presidential Secretariat)

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo, Tuesday (08/16), is slated to deliver two addresses before the parliament at the Parliamentary Complex, Senayan, Jakarta.

First, the President will deliver state of the nation address at the 2022 Annual Session of the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) and the Joint Session of the House of Representatives (DPR) and the Regional Representative Council (DPD) that is set to start at around 09.30 Western Indonesian time.

Before the President delivers his address, the Speaker of the MPR will open the 2022 Annual Session of the MPR and the Joint Session of the DPR and DPD, followed by the Head of the DPR delivering introductory remarks at the Joint Session of the DPR and DPD.

In the state of the nation address, the President will report the performance of state institutions and give remarks on the 77th anniversary of Indonesia’s Independence Day.

Furthermore, President Jokowi will deliver an address on the presentation of the Government statement on the Bill on the State Budget for the 2023 fiscal year and its financial note at the Plenary Session the DPR, which is scheduled to begin at 13.30 Western Indonesian time and be opened by Speaker of the DPR.

According to Speaker of the MPR Bambang Soesatyo, the 2022 Annual Session of the MPR and the Joint Session of the DPR and DPD and the Plenary Session of the DPR will be attended in person by all Speakers, Deputy Speakers, and Members of the DPR, MPR, DPD as well as the President and Vice President Ma’ruf Amin.

“The invited guests who are attending include heads of state institutions, former presidents and vice presidents, ministers of the Indonesia Onward Cabinet, Commander of the Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI), Chief of the Indonesian National Police, ambassadors of friendly countries, former speakers and deputy speakers of the MPR/DPR/DPD,” Bambang said on Tuesday (08/16), quoted from the official website of the MPR.

Bambang underscored that the sessions this time are to be carried out effectively and efficiently by implementing strict health protocols.

“President Joko Widodo agreed with the MPR, DPR, and DPD that the Annual Session of MPR and the Joint Session of the DPR and DPD should be simple, effective, and efficient, so it will not take too long. The most important thing is that the message is conveyed to the public,” he said. (GUN/UN) (YC/DH)

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