President Jokowi to Grant Scholarships for Islamic Students with Achievements in Madura

President Jokowi attends Halaqah Kebangsaan (a special gathering) attended by clerics, Islamic schools caretakers, and Islamic students with achievement from all over Madura at Al AmienPrenduan Islamic School in Sumenep Regency, East Java, Sunday (8/10). (Photo by: Bureau of Press and Media)
President Joko Jokowi Widodo is optimistic that Indonesia has human resources with high quality evidence by a big number of Islamic students with achievementsin Madura Island, East Java.
Therefore, after discussing it with Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, the President decided to give appreciation to the students in the forms of scholarships.
The President conveyed his intention when attending Halaqah Kebangsaan (a special gathering)attended by clerics, Islamic schools caretakers, and Islamic students with achievement from all over Madura at Al AmienPrenduan Islamic School in Sumenep Regency, East Java, Sunday (8/10).I have discussed it with Minister of State Secretary, Professor Pratikno. He was the Rector of Gadjah Mada University (UGM). For these 500 students with achievements, we are going to provide scholarships for them but we will select them, the President said in his remarks at the event.
According to the President, the scholarships are given considering that the approaching era of competitions that every country including Indonesia must face. Therefore, President Jokowi hopes that those students can go to the best universities.In the next 15-20 years, we will face a fierce global competition. We have natural resources but if we do not improve our human resources, we will lose the competition, the President said.
Nevertheless, President Jokowi said he was glad with Indonesian youths, especially Islamic students, because they have strong and positive characters and are able to compete with other countries.I am very grateful because our youths, our Islamic students, have positive characters. Therefore, I once again call on all of us to continue doing our best, both as an individual and as part of the Islamic schools, the President said.
As the first Indonesian President who came to the Islamic school, which was established in 1952, the President was welcomed festively and enthusiastically by the students. Drum bands and tambourine music also welcomed the arrival of the President and his entourage.
Joining the President during the visit were Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, Presidential Spokesperson Johan Budi, East Java Governor Soekarwo, and Sumenep Regent A. Busyro Karim. (BPMI/EN) (EP/YM/Naster)