President Jokowi Urges Indonesian Netizens to Use Social Media Wisely

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 11 Oktober 2018
Category: News
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President Jokowi. Photo by: twitter @jokowi

President Jokowi. Photo by: twitter @jokowi

Social media contains a lot of information; therefore, the users shall carefully distinguish between substantive content and sensational content, according to President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo in his twitter account @jokowi.

“We have to be smart to distinguish between substantive content and sensational content, right and wrong, real and fake, truth and hatred, voice and noise,” the President said.

On another occasion, during a meeting with participants of Indonesian Students’ Appreciation for Nationalism (AKSI) in Bogor, West Java, Wednesday (10/10), President Jokowi asked the students to support the fight against slander, hoax, and fake news in social media.

In the meantime, during the opening ceremony of the National Working Meeting of the Indonesian Islamic Preaching Institution (LDII) at Minhajurrosyidin Islamic Boarding School, Jakarta, Wednesday (10/10), President Jokowi also reminded the participants to carefully filter the issues circulated in social media. On that occasion, the President further reminded the public to be careful because the people tend to share more hoax, slander, and hate speech in this political year.

“(Those bad habits) do not comply with Indonesian values, Islamic values or ethical values that we share,” President Jokowi concluded.  (ES) (RI/EP/Naster)

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