President Jokowi Visits Yogyakarta, C. Java to Revitalize Traditional Markets

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 4 Mei 2016
Category: News
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Manis Traditional Market in Banyumas Regency

After visiting and inaugurating a number of traditional markets in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) and Papua Provinces last week, President Joko ‘Jokowi’ Widodo during the upcoming long weekend is scheduled to visit and inaugurate a number of traditional markets in Central Java Province and Yogyakarta Province.

Member of the Presidential Communication Team Ari Dwipayana in his press release said that during the visit on Wednesday (4/5), President Jokowi is slated to inaugurate Manis Market in Banyumas Regency, Giwangretno Market in Kebumen Regency and Krendetan Market in Purworejo Regency.

In the evening, President Jokowi is scheduled to observe Isra Mi’raj (Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) Ascension Day) Year 1437 Hejjira/2016 M at the Dorm of Tegalrejo Islamic School in Tegalrejo Subdistrict, Magelang Regency, Central Java.

“After attending the event, President Jokowi and his entourage will head to Yogyakarta to spend the night there,” Ari said in his press release on Wednesday (4/5) morning.

For the record, the Government has announced the program to revitalize 1,000 traditional markets every year, which is equal to 5,000 traditional markets within 5 years.

“The revitalization aims to address physical problems as well as managerial issues, including accountability and financial management,” President Jokowi said in Pharaa Sentani Market in Jayapura on Sunday last week. (TKP/OJI/ES) (Naster/YM/EP)

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