President Jokowi Wants Private Companies, SOEs Takes Part in Sports Development

President Jokowi together with a number of athletes, social media activists, and celebrities on the front yard of Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java, Saturday (4/8). (Photo by: Jay/Public Relations Division).
President Joko Jokowi Widodo said that he and Presidential Chief of Staff want to create a strategic management agency to manage talent development in sports.
“So, children have been observed from an early age regarding talents they have and we pay attention to the nutrition they need. There must be someone who is taking care of it,” the President said during a dialogue with netizens, athletes and artists at the 2018 Asian Games Promotion under the tagline “Jalan Terus Indonesia– Indonesia Keep on Walking – at the backyard of the main building of Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java, Saturday (4/8).
The President agrees with the opinion of former national badminton icon Icuk Sugiarto that to date, too many people take care of sports so that it becomes neglected.
According to the President, he wanted to delegate the responsibility to one party for each sport. For example, Pertamina is responsible for managing football, Bank Mandiri for basketball, State-owned Enterprises (SOEs) for pencak silat or other parties so that the coaching will be clearer. If the sport does not make achievement, then it is the company that will receive negative image.
“I think this is also good for the company, it will lift the companys image if the sports it manages makes achievement. Similarly, the company will have negative image when the sport does not make achivement,”the President explained.
The President considered if there is a regulation that does not allow SOEs to manage sports coaching. He pointed to the example, budget for football coaching could be taken from Regional Budget (APBD) but then it was banned following many regional heads were arrested because of providing such assistance.
“We also want to review this again,”the President said.
Therefore, the President continued, the Government is about to calculate and review regulations so that SOEs could be given the responsibility for managing sports. The Government also reviews the regulations so that athletes can enter SOEs without going through tests.
“Ministry of the Empowerment of State Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform has already issued the regulation since two or three weeks ago so it can be implemented,” the President said. (UN/ES) (MUR/MMB/YM/Naster).