President Jokowi Welcomes Iranian Vice President at Bogor Palace

President Jokowi receives an honorary visit from Vice President for Woman and Family Affairs of Iran, Masoumeh Ebtekar, at Bogor Presidential Palace, Tuesday (1/5) (Photo: BPMI).
Prior to the opening High Level Consultation of World Muslim Scholars on Wasatiyyat Islam, President Joko Jokowi Widodo received a courtesy call from Vice President of oIslamic Republic of Iran for Women and Family Affairs, Masoumeh Ebtekar, at Bogor Presidential Palace, Tuesday (1/5).
During the meeting, President Jokowi emphasized the importance of promoting Islamic values of Rahmatan lil Alamin a blessing for the Universe.
Regarding this matter, Indonesia initiated the High Level Consultation of Ulema and Muslim Scholars about Wasatiyyat Islam, the President said.
According to President Jokowi, the understanding of Wasatiyyat Islam , particularly in tolerance issue, is very important to strengthen Islamic solidarity and to fight the spread of radicalism.
In addition to that, President Jokowi also said that Indonesia continues to work in empowering the role of women in all fields. My Cabinet has 8 women Minister, while in the House of Representatives, there are 97 women legislators and the Judiciary has 1,900 women judges. In addition, in the economic sector there are more than 15 million women entrepreneurs, President Jokowi added.
At the end of the meeting, President Jokowi expressed his hope to improve bilateral cooperation within two countries in women empowerment.
For the record, Wasatiyyat Islam is one of key concepts in Islamic teachings to build Muslims character and personality, both individually and collectively. In academic Islamic studies, ‘Wasatiyyat Islam’, is often translated as ‘the middle path Islam’, ‘the middle way Islam’ or Islam as mediating and balancing power. These terms indicate the importance of equality, equilibrium, take the middle path (to resolve conflict), and avoiding the extremes.
High Level Consultation of World Muslim Scholars on Wasatiyyat Islam is held on 1-3 May 2018 in Bogor, West Java. This Summit is organized by Office of Special Envoy of the President for Dialogue and Interfaith Cooperation and Civilization, and attended by 100 Ulema and Muslim Scholars from Indonesia and other countries. Output of this Summit is Bogor Message which contains of world and Muslims current situation, along with the strategy to overcome it. The output will be a reference for the Office of Special Envoy of the President for Dialogue and Interfaith Cooperation and Civilization to promote Wasatiyyat Islam around the world.
Also attending in the meeting were Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Puan Maharani, Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno Marsudi and Special Envoy of the President for Dialogue and Interfaith Cooperation and Civilization Din Syamsuddin. (BPMI/EN) (STU/EP/Naster)