President Jokowi Wishes to Finish Bill on Islamic Boarding Schools
President Joko Jokowi Widodo expressed hope that the Bill (RUU) on Islamic Boarding Schools can be completed soon.
We keep following the progress (of the bill), said the President in his remarks during the Cordial Meeting with Islamic Clerics and Public Figures of former Kedu Residency at Tri Bhakti Building, Magelang City, Central Java, on Saturday (23/3). He added that once the draft is completed, it will become a legal basis to allocate the State Budget for Islamic boarding schools.
On that occasion, President Jokowi explained that there are around 29,000 Islamic boarding schools across the country, with thousands of Islamic students living in or graduating from each of them. Thus, he continued, the Government needs to pay attention to them.
The President went on to say that currently there are 75 Vocational Training Centers (BLK) in Islamic boarding schools and the Government has set a target to increase the number to 1,000 this year.
Next year, the Government is projected to establish 3,000 more BLKs across the country to improve the quality of human resources in Islamic boarding schools, the President said. (DNA/RAH/ES)
Translated by: Syarifah Aisyah
Edited by: Estu Widyamurti/Mia Medyana Bonaedy