President Jokowi Witness the Signing of Transportation Ministry’s Rp 14 Trillion Worth Contract

By Humas     Date 18 Januari 2016
Category: News
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President Joko Widodo attending the contract signing of 2016 activities, at the Ministry of Transportation, Jakarta (18/1)

President Joko Widodo attending the contract signing of 2016 activities, at the Ministry of Transportation, Jakarta (18/1)

President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo witnessed the 2016 strategic activities contract signing of the Ministry of Transportation at Mataram Building of the Ministry of Transportation, Jakarta, on Monday (18/1) morning.

The signed activity contract constitutes 12 activities packages which worth Rp 14.242 trillion.

As many as 12 strategic activities which the contracts were signed consists of 2 (two) activities on land transportation sub sector, 4 (four) activities on sea transportation sub sector, 3 (three) activities on air sub sector, 2 (two) activities on railway sub sector, and 1 (one) activity on the development of human resources in transportation.

The signing of 12 strategic activities contracts was meant to push the acceleration of strategic development implementation, which becomes national priority, multi year contract, subsidy/pioneer, appropriation, donated activities, and foreign grant loan.

Here are the 12 signed packages:

1. Procurement and installation of R.53.008, a road equipment segment for Land Transportation Working Unit of Mamuju, West Sulawesi Province, with contractor from PT. Buana Energy Prima;

2.  Land transportation Operational subsidy for Land Transportation Working Unit of Lampung Province, with contractor from Bandar Lampung branch state-owned land transportation company Perum Damri;

3. Subsidy for pioneer Navy/5 pioneer subsidy contract routes/assignments with the detail as below:

  1. Ambon-Geser-Manawoka/Amarasikaru-Gorom/Ondor-Kesui-Tior-Kaimer-Kur Island-Toyando Island-Tual-Dobo-Banda-Amahai-Ambon, Maluku with contractor from state- owned shipping company PT Pelni;
  2. Ambon-Tual-Elat-Molu-Larat-Rumean-Tutukembong-Saumlaki-Adaut-Seira-Dawera/Dawelor-Kroing-Marsela-Saumlaki-Tutukembong Rumean-Laray-Molu-Elat-Tual-Ambon, Maluku with contractor from state-owned shipping company PT Pelni;
  3. Ambon-Amahai-Serua-Nila-Teon-Bebar-Wulur-Tepa-Lelang/Mahalela-Luang-Lakor-Moa-Leti-Wonreli-Kisar-Arwala/Sutilarang-Ilwaki-Upisera-Kupang in Ambon, Maluku with contractor from state-owned shipping company PT Pelni;
  4. Ambon-Werimana/Bemo-Kelmuri-Geser-Gorom/ondor-Fakfak-Bula-Kobisadar-Wahai-Fafanlaf-Waigama/Misol-Sorong in Ambon,  Maluku with contractor from state-owned shipping company PT Pelni;
  5. Ambon-Bebar-Wulur-Romang-Kisar-Leti-Moa-Lakor-Luang-/Tamta Island-Lelang-/Elo-tepa-Lewa/Dai-Dawera/Dawelor-Kroing-Marsela—Saumlaki in Ambon, Maluku with contractor from state-owned shipping company PT Pelni;

4. Subsidy for live stock vessel for Kupang-Bima-Tg. Perak-Tg. Emas-Cirebon routes in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara with the contractor from state-owned shipping company PT Pelni;

5. Subsidy for Navy in the implementation of sea toll road in Surabaya, East Java and in Jakarta, with the contractor from state-owned shipping company PT Pelni;

6. Repowering the KN. Merak, Bitung First Class District Navigation Office in Bitung, North Sulawesi with contractor from PT. Putindotrasa Wisesa;

7. The construction to expand runways in Domine Eduard Osong Airport in Sorong, West Papua from 2,060 m x 45 m to 2,500 m x 45 m, with the contractor from PT Kam;

8. The expansion of building in Radin Inten Airport, Lampung, with the contractor from PT Pembangunan Perumahan Tbk;

9. The construction to coat runway, taxiway, and apron of Syukran Aminuddin Amir Airport in Tojo Una-Una, Central Sulawesi with the contractor from PT Pelita Shakti;

10. The construction of 3000 m long railway in KM 236,000 to KM 237,000 with the cooperation between the Agency for Railway Technology Studies in North Sumatra area and the contractor from PT Tiga Mandiri Jaya;

11. The treatment and operating of state-owned railway infrastructures in Sumatra and Java is conducted by the contactor from state-owned railway operator PT KAI (Persero); and

12. The construction of “Charlie” school building in Technical and Flight Safety Academy (ATKP) New Campus, Makassar conducted by the contractor from PT Boriandy Putra.

In his report, Minister of Transportation Ignasius Jonan stated that the 2015 budget absorption in the Ministry of Transportation reached 76 percent.

He also said that the Ministry could not absorb more budget, but he claimed to be able to save as many as Rp 3 trillion from Budget Implementation Entry List (DIPA).

Jonan also said that the management of pioneer ship will be conducted by state-owned shipping company PT Pelni around Indonesia and it aims to provide a better and standard service to the people in Indonesia.

“Thus, as we reported that we want to give a better service and subsidy to the people, according to President’s instruction which says that everyone, despite their social class should be served well,” the Minister said.

The Minister also said that the focus and policy of the Ministry of Transportation in 2016 is to improve transportation safety and security, as well as to improve service quality, capacity, management, and management support regulation.

Witnessing the contract signing, the President was accompanied by Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Luhut B. Pandjaitan and Minister of Transportation Ignasius Jonan. (FID/ES) (RAS/EP/YM/Naster)

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