President Obama Asks President Joko Widodo to Lead Counter Terrorism Discussion

Minister of Foreign Affairs explained the agenda of President Joko Widodo to the journalists
President of the United States Barack Obama asked President Joko Widodo to lead counter terrorism discussion in US-ASEAN Summit held in Sunnyland, California, the United States, on 15-16 February 2016.
In the discussion that will take place at the second day of the Summit, President Joko Widodo will explain Indonesias approaches to handle extremism and terrorism.
Furthermore, as explained by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno L. P. Marsudi on 14 February 2016, the President will also explain the cooperation that must be established between ASEAN and the US regarding terrorism handling.
The Minister said that Indonesia was chosen to lead the discussion because the soft power approach that Indonesia used, really impresses other countries.
The approaches taken by the President of Indonesia to handle the terror attack on 14 January is really appreciated by international world. Wherever I go, they, firstly, express their sympathy and condolences, and then, they express their appreciation. Even, several countries express their admiration to the measures taken by Indonesian Government to handle that attack, the Minister said. (SLN/UN/EN)(MMB/YM/Naster)