President SBY Received the Leaders of DPR, DPD, and MPR of the Republic of Indonesia

By Humas     Date 17 Oktober 2014
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President SBY Received the Leaders of DPR, DPD, and MPR of the Republic of Indonesia

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, accompanied by Vice President Boediono and several ministers of United Indonesia Cabinet II received a new leader of the House of Representative (DPR), the Regional Representative Council (DPD), and the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) of the Republic of Indonesia at the State Palace in Jakarta on Wednesday (15/10) night.

The House of Representative leaders presented at the meeting were the Chairman Setya Novanto who was accompanied by his Vice Chairmen, namely: Fadli Zon, Agus Hermanto, Taufik Kurniawan, and Fahri Hamzah. While the People’s Consultative Assembly leaders attended at the meeting were the Chairman Zulkifli Hasan who was accompanied by his Vice-Chairmen namely: Mahyudi, EE. Mangindaan, and Oesman Sapta Odang. As from the Regional Representative Council presented the Chairman Irman Gusman

In his preface, the President expressed his congratulations on the mandate given to the new leaders of the House of Representatives, the Regional Representative Council, and the People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia. “Hopefully, the noble task can be carried well by all of you,” he said.

Although his term only days away, the President thought that his meeting with the leaders of the House of Representatives, the Regional Representative Council, and the People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia was meaningful because he is believed that every good faith always gain the blessing of Allah.

On that occasion, the President expressed his confidence that our new President, Joko Widodo (Jokowi) who is accompanied by Vice President Jusuf Kalla (JK) and the government which will be led by them would continue the spirit of togetherness to manage the statehood in accordance with the provisions of the constitution which is governing the roles, functions, and responsibilities of the government, the House of Representatives, the Regional Representative Council, and the People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia

Present in the meeting among others Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law, and Security Djoko Suyanto, Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Chairul Minister, Minister of State Secretary Sudi Silalahi, Cabinet Secretary Dipo Alam, Minister of Law and Human Rights Amir Syamsudin, Attorney General Basrief Aried, and National Police Chief General Sutarman. (Polhukam/DP)

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