Press Conference of the President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Inauguration of Cibitung-Cilincing and Serpong-Balaraja Section 1 Toll Roads at Gabus Toll Gate, Bekasi Regency, West Java Province, September 20, 2022

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 20 September 2022
Category: Press Statement @en
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Sir, do you have any comment after inspecting the toll roads?

President Joko Widodo
What we are aiming for is competitiveness, the competitiveness of the goods from our products. Without good infrastructure, it is impossible to compete with other countries. I think this will greatly affect our competitiveness, because the industrial area and the logistics area in Karawang and Bekasi will get direct access to Tanjung Priok port and vice versa. It is the goal.


Does itmean that PT Pelindo also involved in the project, Sir?

President Joko Widodo
Yes, Pelindo will handle the ports and supporting facilities to provide speed and ease of services.

Regarding Patimban port, similar with this toll roads which is connected with Priok port, will the completion of the toll road access to Patimban port also be accelerated, Sir?

President Joko Widodo
I project that the Patimban toll road will be completed in 2024. The good thing is that there will be competition between Tanjung Priok port and Patimban port  which will increase competitiveness between those two ports and making them improve their service. If [there is no] competition, there will be a monopoly and the service will be unreliable.

Regarding the statement of the President of the US that the pandemic is over. Will Indonesian Government announce the same?

President Joko Widodo
The pandemic is happening in all countries in the world and only the WHO can give a statement that the pandemic is over. As for Indonesia, I think we have to be careful, we have to be vigilant, we don’t have to be in a hurry, we don’t have to immediately declare that the pandemic is over. Be careful. The number of COVID-19 cases in a number of countries is starting to rise again, be careful. That is what we really need to do.

Any comment regarding the issue of removing 450 VA electricity power and replacing it to 900 VA?

President Joko Widodo
Nothing, there is no removal for the 450 VA electricity, no change from 450 VA to 900 VA either. There isn’t any! We never talk about that. Nothing.

Will it increase the burden of subsidies?

President Joko Widodo
I reiterate there is no such issue. The subsidy for the 450 VA remains the same. And no 450 VA removal and no change from 450 VA to 900 VA. Don’t let the public worry because of the issue.

Do you already have the name of Acting Governor of Jakarta?

President Joko Widodo
I have not received it. Maybe it (the name) is still at the office of Minister of Home Affairs.

What are the considerations that you are taking into before choosing the Acting Governor of Jakarta?

President Joko Widodo
There are numerous criteria that I will announce later.


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