Press Conference of the President of the Republic of Indonesia on COVID-19 Zoning Wednesday, 24 June 2020 at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 24 Juni 2020
Category: Speech Transcript
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The President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Good morning,

Peace and prosperity be upon us all,

Om Swastiastu,

Namo Buddhaya,

Greetings of Virtue.


Ladies and Gentlemen, my fellow countrymen,

We must be aware that the threat of COVID-19 is not over. In the last few days the number of positive cases of COVID-19 is still increasing in some regions and several provinces still report a large number of positive cases.

Communities play a major role in reducing the number of cases and preventing the spread of COVID-19. To that end, even though I have repeatedly talked about it, I invite the public to be disciplined in following health protocols: wear face masks, wash hands frequently, keep a safe distance, and avoid crowds. I also order the public to remind each other to be disciplined in implementing health protocols. This is what we must continue to do. It must become our new habit.

The pandemic also encourages us to build an integrated information system. We already have “Unite Against COVID-19” (BLC), and the system is a compass for our country Indonesia in understanding the development of COVID-19 which is very dynamic every day, every week, every month. And through this system, we can determine the zoning of COVID-19 transmission level. With the system, we can also find out the number of regencies, cities, and provinces that have changed the status from green to yellow, from green to orange, from green to red, or changed from red to orange, from red to yellow, and from red go green.

I want to extend my gratitude to the governors, regents, mayors and task force units in the regions who have succeeded in reducing cases and mortality rates in their regions. With the integrated information system, we have the data. Every policy we make is always based on scientific data and advice from scientists.

The methods and the existing data will soon be explained by Professor Wiku Adisasmito, he is a professor of health policy, especially health system and prevention of infectious diseases, and Doctor Dewi Nur Aisyah, an expert in epidemiology and infectious diseases informatics, she got her doctorates and master’s degree from the United Kingdom.

I think that concludes my remarks. I invite Professor Wiku and Doctor Dewi.

(Presentation from Professor Wiku Adisasmito and Doctor Dewi Nur Aisyah)

 The President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Thank you Professor Wiku and Doctor Dewi. The presentations were very clear. We have very complete data and we make policies based on the data. Any region that seeks to implement the new normal should take into account several factors including preconditions, timing, and priority sectors, all based on the available data. We have explained the available data and we feel more optimistic because the data show a better development, but we must remain vigilant.

Let me reiterate that Indonesia is a great and victorious nation, and with mutual cooperation, cohesiveness and solidarity in communities as our strength, together we can support each other. United we stand.

I thank you.

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.




Translated by Ridwan Ibadurrohman
Reviewed by Yuyu Mulyani

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