Press Statement of President of the Republic of Indonesia After Inspecting State Vocational High School (SMKN) 2 in Central Bengkulu, Bengkulu Province, July 20, 2023

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 20 Juli 2023
Category: Press Statement @en
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This morning, I am here in state vocational high school (SMKN) 2 in Central Bengkulu province to observe teaching and learning practices in TSM [Motorcycle Engineering] and TKR [Light Vehicle Engineering] classes. I noticed that vehicle and workshop equipment used for practices at the classroom are not adequate. However, I have made a promise to the Governor, School Principle, and Regent that I will send cars, motorcycles for learning practices, including electric vehicles. Send the latest series of cars, motorcycles so students can learn from it. I will also send electric vehicles. It is good to connect schools and industries, so the needs of the industry can be linked and matched with the school.

For your information, the shirt I am wearing right now is produced by state vocational high school (SMKN) 4 in Jambi. I ordered it two months ago. I wear it right away once it is done. The shirt is good. Students here can also be the one who manufacture clothes, or even cars or motorcycles since vocational schools will hone their skills according with needs of the industry or, even better, for entrepreneurship. That is my opinion.


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