Press Statement of President of the Republic of Indonesia after the Inspection of Merak Port in Cilegon City, Banten Province, April 11, 2023

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 11 April 2023
Category: Press Statement @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Addressing the problems that occurred during mudik [seasonal going home town] flow last year, especially on toll roads and at Merak Port, I am here to ensure that the preparations and planning designs are completely ready.

We remember that last year in Cikuasa Atas and Cikuasa Bawah, there were congestions and there was lack of ferry ships. But this year’s Eid, this year’s mudik, I hope that such things will no longer happen. Nevertheless, we must remain careful.

Therefore, I remind you all to be careful for there will be a spike of people going mudik, according to a survey, from 86 million to 123 million travelers. That means, there is an increase of approximately 45 percent. Such issues must be calculated, so I asked earlier in detail for I wish the same problem did not occur this year.

There have been additional dock ports, namely BBJ Port and Ciwandan Port. This is good. So, the passenger capacity has increased from 34 thousand to 49 thousand. This is good. Please arrange the management in the field, which ports are specifically for motorcycles, which are the ports specifically for cars and small vehicles and buses, and which are the ports specifically for heavy vehicles. Please separate it. This is marvelous.

And, I hope all passengers of Merak port already order tickets in advance via e-ticketing. Passengers without tickets had been disturbing in the past year. Now, all passengers must buy a ticket before entering Merak port.

That concludes my remarks.

Second, regarding the toll roads. Last year, the congestions were caused by the lack of rest areas. I have received reports that rest areas have been increased so that the traffic flow can remain smooth. That’s from me.

Sir, (inaudible).

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
For technical matters, please ask Minister of Transportation.

Sir, many travelers are worried about security on the Sumatra route.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
The Police Chief will explain later. What is clear, the number of security personnel in areas with high potential for crime will be increased and this will be explained in detail by the Police Chief.

Another question, Sir. Regarding Mr. Mahfud … (inaudible)

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
Please ask questions regarding mudik. We must focus on this matter since there will be a spike from 86 million to 123 million of traveler. Please remain vigilant.

Will there be a discount on ferry ticket prices for travelers who leave early, Sir?

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
Ms. CEO will answer the question later.

Sir, earlier you visited traditional markets in Cilegon. How is the staple food stock in Cilegon in general?

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
I have visited many provinces. The price is stable, if you ask me. In fact, the prices of shallots, garlic, rice, and eggs fell in Boyolali.

Sir, what is the Government’s measure so that the congestion in Brebes exit toll road does not happen again? There were fatalities last year.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
We will procure SAR teams and schemes, all of it. I think, I noted the planning is getting better. So, please do not assume, since everything has been anticipated. I thank you.


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