Press Statement of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the 8th Anniversary of the United Indonesia Party (Perindo), at the Jakarta Concert Hall, iNews Tower, Menteng, Jakarta, November 7, 2022

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 7 November 2022
Category: Press Statement @en
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Would you convey your directives, Sir?

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
As I said earlier, all of political parties are state assets that we must take care of and protect. I wish the Perindo Party a happy 8th anniversary. What we need to do is to maintain healthy rivalry among parties in this political year since global conditions are unfavorable, uncertain, hard to predict, difficult to calculate, including global geopolitics and global economy. Therefore, we must maintain healthy rivalry as we are entering the political party in 2024.

In various political events, you always said that every party should be careful in nominating presidential candidates and declaring presidential candidates. You told Golkar about it, then today…

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
Indeed, you have to be careful on this matter because they will be the leader of 270 million citizens. I keep repeating this. Do not be reckless.

What are qualities of good presidential and vice presidential candidates?

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
Everyone knows, we all know about it. If you ask me the criteria, two days are not enough.

Sir, is it Mr. Prabowo’s turn to become the next president? Are you giving a signal that you support him, Sir?

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
You may take it as a signal, but I said what I said.

You often say not to be in a hurry, but also not to be slow. When do you think is the right time, Sir?

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
The elections will be held in February 2024. It’s only a year ahead, right? Keep maintaining political conduciveness since we know the current global conditions. Be careful. This situation is not normal.

Sir, will the presidential candidate you choose be the same candidate as Ibu Mega’s choice?

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Will you choose the same presidential candidate as Ibu Mega’s choice?

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
Let me again remind you that presidential and vice-presidential candidates are prepared by a party or a coalition for the people to vote. Be careful in nominating the candidates. That’s all. Please, Mr. Hary.

Mr. Hary, Mr. President has conveyed his directives.

(’Inaudible)… presidential and legislative candidates, Sir?


General Chairman of the Perindo Party (Hary Tanoesoedibjo)
The Perindo Party’s stance is clear and firm as directed by Mr. Jokowi. We expect maximum continuity with what he has built. This is important. We want to see the Indonesian economy continue to grow, not turning left or right, not starting over again. He has built something extraordinary. He placed a fundamental that only needs to be taken off. Once again, I reiterated that we, the Perindo Party, will follow his direction. Whoever he’d like to support, we will carry out his direction.

According to the Perindo Party, if you look at the portrait of Indonesia, what do you think Perindo is fighting for?

General Chairman of the Perindo Party (Hary Tanoesoedibjo)
Indonesia is indeed a big country with a large growing population and demographic bonus. There will be an additional approximately 50 million people by 2045. The challenge going forward is to create the widest possible job opportunities. To that end, we have to encourage not-productive-age people to achieve high productivity. However, we will also encourage those productive-age people to be productive, so they can be part of the locomotive in building the nation. Thus, by creating more jobs, you can also become a new …(inaudible sound).

That is what is necessary for Indonesia to truly become a solid country. By 2045, in Indonesia’s 100th year of independence, we will achieve the target as the world’s top four with a GDP of US$28.

Has the Perindo Party decided on the coalition, Sir?

General Chairman of the Perindo Party (Hary Tanoesoedibjo)
I have conveyed to make a coalition with Mr. Jokowi. The presidential election is a combined coalition of many parties, right? We will follow his direction. Definitely.

What about the criteria, Sir?

General Chairman of the Perindo Party (Hary Tanoesoedibjo)
The criteria will depend on him. If he says A, then we follow A, B, B, A and B, A and B.

In 2024, the Perindo Party will enter 10 years anniversary. Do you think there will be any criteria for presidential and vice-presidential candidates  for the next political year?

General Chairman of the Perindo Party (Hary Tanoesoedibjo)
We will certainly follow his direction. If he says turn around, we will do it. The Perindo Party is Mr. Jokowi’s flag. Why? I firmly say that there must be continuity of good development, maximum effort. If we have to go round and round again, it will be too expensive for the community.

The end of the TNI Commander’s term of office …(inaudible sound)

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
Well, we will soon prepare the candidate.


Do you have the candidate for that, Sir?

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
I do. There must be a new Chief of Staff. We will nominate the candidate soon.

For G20, is it [the number of countries attending] already maximum?

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
The number remains the same.

After this, Will you recheck it?

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
Sure. Final check. And I will attend ASEAN Summit after that. Thank you.


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