Press Statement of President of the Republic of Indonesia with Prime Minister of Singapore, in Singapore, March 16, 2023

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 16 Maret 2023
Category: Press Statement @en
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President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Thank you, Prime Minister Lee, for the warm welcome extended to me and the delegation. Thank you.

We have made many progress since our bilateral meeting in Bintan, in January 2022. Singapore’s investment increased 40 percent and our trading volume increased 25 percent.

In political, legal, and security fields, the ratification of three agreements have been completed, namely Flight Information Region (FIR) agreement, extradition agreement, and defense cooperation agreement. Furthermore, in order to strengthen the implementation of the three agreements, Prime Minister Lee and I have agreed to carry out some measures, namely renewing MoU between both Attorney General Offices, completing an MoU between the Polices to combat cross-border crimes, forming a defense cooperation committee, and formulating technical rules for implementing FIR, defense, and extradition agreements.

In this regard, I welcome the reactivation of the joint sea patrols in order to strengthen the maritime security of both countries and enhance disaster management capacity, and search and rescue efforts.

Therefore, I welcome some of the results of this Leaders’ Retreat. First, the strong interest shown by Singaporean investors in the construction of the Nusantara Capital (IKN). Second, an agreement to increase investment in the field of new and renewable energy that, among others, will be used to provide energy to both countries. Third, cooperation in the digital field, information, and data center, and cooperation in the development of human resources in the field of information technology. Currently, we have Apple Academy and International Business Machines (IBM) Academy in Batam. Fourth, in trade field, Indonesian livestock products have begun to enter Singapore to supply chicken. Fifth, strengthening basic health services and health technology, as well as investing in developing hospitals in Indonesia.

In general, the meeting resulted in 20 Letters of Intent from Singaporean private sector to invest in Nusantara Capital, nine B-to-B MoUs in healthcare and digital fields, and seven G-to-G MoUs in energy, health, and digital fields.

Apart from the bilateral meeting, PM Lee and I also discussed several regional issues, particularly Indonesia’s chairmanship in ASEAN. I extend my appreciation for Singapore’s support for Indonesia’s chairmanship in ASEAN. The priority of Indonesia’s chairmanship in ASEAN is to keep ASEAN important and relevant to its peoples and to the world, to maintain ASEAN’s unity and centrality to continue to encourage peace, regional stability, and make  Southeast Asia a center of economic growth. I also invite Singapore’s contribution to the ASEAN Indo-Pacific Forum which will be held in September 2023, back to back with the 43rd ASEAN Summit.

Then, regarding Myanmar, as Chair of ASEAN, Indonesia will encourage the implementation of the Five-Point Consensus and carry out the engagement, so that all parties can pave the way for an inclusive national dialogue, and also the importance of reducing tension and violence and ensuring that humanitarian assistance can reach all parties in need.

That concludes my remarks. Until we meet again at the ASEAN Summit in Indonesia. Thank you.


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