Providing Supplementary Feeding (PMT) in Bandung, President Jokowi: It is Important that Babies Are Born Normal and Healthy

President Jokowi is interviewed after providing supplementary feeding in Rancaekek, West Java (17/9). (Photo: Public Relations/Agung)
After visiting Banten and East Java, this time, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and First Lady Ibu Iriana Joko Widodo visited West Java Province in regard to Nutrition Improvement Program through Supplementary Feeding Program (PMT) for pregnant women, toddlers, and elementary students.
President Jokowi prompted the importance of consuming other supplementary foods containing protein for pregnant women.
In addition to PMT, pregnant women shall be given other supplementary foods, other protein sources, such as egg, bean curd, tempe, fish, or meat, said President in Cangkuang Wetan Village, Dayeuhkolot District, Bandung Regency, on Saturday (17/9) afternoon.
President also reminded of what has been said by Minister of Health that pregnant women must weighed themselves in Integrated Health Services Posts (Posyandu) and in Community Health Centers (Puskesmas). Do not overweight. The most important is babies are born normal, healthy, smart , and intelligent, he said.
The Nutrition Improvement Program through PMT is regulated by Minster of Health Decree Number: 899/Menkes/Sk/X/2009 on Technical Specifications of Food Supplement for Toddlers, Elementary Students, and Pregnant Women.
The recommended intake of supplementary foods is as follows: 1-3 months pregnant women are recommended to consume 2 biscuits a day, and 4-9 months pregnant women are recommended to consume 3 biscuists a day. Meanwhile, 6-11 months toddlers are recommended to consume 8 biscuists a day, and 1-5 years toddlers are recommended to consume 12 biscuits a day. In addition, elementary students are recommended to consume 6 biscuits a day.

President has a conversation with one of elementary students in Linggar Village, Rancaekek, Bandung Regency, on Saturday (17/9) (Photo: Public Relations/Agung)
Besides Cangkuang Wetan Village, Dayeuhkolot District, President Jokowi also provided the PMT in Linggar Village, Rancaekek District.
In the evening, President Jokowi will head to Gelora Bandung Lautan Api Stadium (GBLA) in Rancanumpang Village, Gedebage District, Bandung City, in order to inaugurate the Opening of 19th National Sports Week (PON).
On this occasion, President Jokowi was accompanied by Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Cultural Affairs Puan Maharani, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, and Minister of Health Nila F. Moeloek. (DND/AGG/ES) (DP/AW/YM/Naster)