Public Housing Savings Law, Presenting the State for the Lower Class, Seskab Says

Public Housing Savings Law, Presenting the State for the Lower Class, Seskab Says
When asked regarding the pros and cons after the enactment of Public Housing Savings Law (Tapera), the Cabinet Secretary (Seskab) Pramono Anung explained that the state wanted to participate in providing clothing and housing, particularly to the lower class society. Seskab said this when answering questions from the press in his office on Friday (26/2).
This law may be burdensome for some people. However it will facilitate the lower class, clarified Seskab. He also uttered that Tapera equals to the aspect related to Smallholder Business Credit (KUR), which (interest) has been lowered from 21-22% to 9% for a large amount of loan.
The Government, in this case, prioritized to give to the common people. There are indeed any protests, but not all rules can satisfy everyone. Demands for review are welcomed anytime, said Seskab firmly then continued to explain the Tapera Law (UU Tapera) is not only for the civil servants, but for all citizens.
Convening the OIC Extraordinary Summit
Regarding the Summit held on 6-7 March 2016, Seskab conveyed that the countries invited were the 54 members of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (OIC). Other countries invited were the 4+ countries in partnership with OKI including the USA, Russia, China, and European Union as well as observer countries.
We are in the preparation phase right now. Hopefully the Summit on 6-7 March will run smoothly. Invitations had been issued by President last week, added Seskab. At the end of the press conference, Seskab stated that currently Presidents envoys were delivering the invitations while waiting for confirmations from the Summits participants. (DID/EN) (KAG/MT/NA/LW)