Public Works Minister: Flood Control Should be Integrated

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 27 Februari 2020
Category: News
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Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Basuki Hadimuljono inspects flood-hit area in January 2020. Photo by: Minister of Public Works and Public Housing.

Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Basuki Hadimuljono has said that flood control in Indonesia, including in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi (Jabodetabek area) must be carried out in an integrated manner based on river area, not based on administrative division. He also added that coordination between the Central Government and regional governments is needed to solve the flood issues.

“Efforts to deal with floods in Indonesia should not be based on administrative division, but should be based on river areas. The Jabodetabek area consists of Ciliwung River area, parts of Cisadane River area, and Citarum River area. President Joko Widodo has said that a master plan for Ciliwung river has been made in 1973, and has been reviewed in 1997 and 2007. Insya Allah, God willing, the implementation of the master plan can reduce floods in Jakarta area,” Minister Basuki said during the Working Meeting on Jabodetabek Flood Control with Commission 5 of the House of Representatives (DPR) in Jakarta, Wednesday (26/2).

The Minister said that the Jakarta Flood Control Master Plan includes the construction of the East Flood Canal (KBT) as well as floodway and dry dam in the upstream area of the Ciliwung River. “We are building Sukamahi Dam and Ciawi Dam in the upstream of Ciliwung river, floodway in the middle of Bidara Cina that flows the water from Ciliwung River to the East Flood Canal to reduce the flow at Manggarai floodgate,” he said.

Basuki also said that based on the master plan, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing had completed work on increasing river capacity through widening and dredging 16 kilometers of the Ciliwung River, from the overall plan of 33 kilometers. The river capacity improvement was also carried out in Angke Hulu River with the realization of 30.4 km of the planned 42.8 km, in Kali Pesanggrahan (21.7 km of the planned 42.8 km), and in the Sunter River (28.6 km of the planned 35.7 km). For the relocation of people affected by land acquisition in the river channel, the Ministry of Public Works and Housing has prepared 800 residential units in low-cost rental apartments (Rusunawa) Pasar Rumput.

Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing also accelerate the construction of Ciliwung floodway in the form of underground tunnel to reduce water flow along the 600 meters of the river, from 1,200 meters planned. The Ciliwung River will reduce water debit by 60 cubic meters (m3)/second when the Ciliwung River is at its peak condition (with a debit of 500 m3/second). The Ministry of Public Works and Public Hosing c.q Agency for River Area Management (BBWS) Ciliwung – Cisadane of the Directorate General of Water Resources on 26 December, 2019 has submitted recommendation to the Governor of Special Capital Region of Jakarta (DKI Jakarta).

“The construction for the area of 600 meters up to Cipinang River to the East Flood Canal in Kebun Nanas, has been completed. For land acquisition, 8054 m2 of land is needed, of which 3,758 m2 belongs to the Jakarta Provincial Government and the rest is privately-owned land. The current stage is just waiting for a location determination from the Governor of Jakarta and land acquisition, after which the construction is targeted to be completed within 6 months,” Minister Basuki explained.

Regarding the flood control in Bekasi and parts of Bekasi Regency, Basuki stated that Bekasi River Flood Control Planning has been made, which stipulates that Value Engineering will be carried out in 2020, followed by construction work. “It is planned to gradually start in September 2020 for Bekasi River management, from the upstream area in Gunung Pancar and Gunung Geulis to downstream in Cikarang Bekasi Laut (CBL),” he said.

In the meantime, the President‘s Special Staff for Social Affairs Angkie Yudistia said that the Central Government works hand in hand with provincial government to prevent flood in Jakarta.

Angki added that the Central Government has provided mobile pumps in several areas to reduce high flow rate and minimize the potential for future flooding.

“The BMKG (Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency) has stated that there is very high intensity of rain in Indonesia, especially in Jakarta, while our drainage cannot deal with very high flow rate. During this time, the intensity of rain was heavy. But now, there is an increase to an extreme level, “Angkie said.

For the long term, Angkie added, the Central Government will prepare pump houses in several areas which will be maintained by the provincial government.

“The Government ensures that it always takes the best measures in dealing with floods in the entire region of Indonesia, especially in Jakarta as the capital city,” Angkie concluded.

Translated by: Ridwan Ibadurrohman
Reviewed by: Yuyu Mulyani

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