Ratified Law on Capital Marks New Capital Development

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 21 Februari 2022
Category: News
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(Source: The National Development Planning Agency’s PR Team for the IKN)

The Government has announced that Law Number 3 of 2022 on Capital City (UU IKN) has been signed by President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo on February 15, 2022 and will be a legal basis to develop the New Capital City (IKN) in East Kalimantan province.

According to Minister of National Development Planning / Head of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) Suharso Monoarfa, the IKN will be developed with the theme of “The Global City for All”, which will highlight the start of new Indonesian civilization.

“The name Nusantara for the New Capital City of Indonesia will represent the concept of unity that accommodates the super-diversity of Indonesia. The reality of Indonesia’s diversity will become social capital to lead people to prosperity, to achieve an advance, a resilience, a sustainable Indonesia,” Suharso said Friday (02/18).

The Government has also agreed that the New Capital Nusantara is a special regional government at provincial level where the Capital City of Indonesia is located, adding that the Government also gave the New Capital a status “the IKN Authority” to respond to current digital transformation so that the bureaucracy process of the IKN development will be easier.

Minister of National Development Planning / Head of the National Development Planning Agency’s Special Staffer of Institutional Relation Diani Sadia Wati said that even though the IKN is a special regional government, it is ensured that the governance of the IKN will not violate and will be in accordance with the 1945 constitution.

For the record, there are three goals of the IKN namely the IKN as national identity symbol, the IKN as a global sustainable city, the IKN as a future economic motor of Indonesia.

The IKN development will transform the Indonesia’s development paradigm into “Indonesia-centric” development and realize the Indonesian Vision of 2045.

In every process of the IKN development, Suharso said that the local people of East Kalimantan can be involved.

Furthermore, Deputy to Minister of National Development Planning / Head of the National Development Planning Agency for Regional Development Rudy S. Prawiradinata said that the IKN development will not only focus on the future of the IKN, but also will concern environmental, social, cultural aspects in East Kalimantan. (The National Development Planning Agency’s PR Team for the IKN/UN) (AP/EP)

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