Received by President Jokowi, Chevron and GE Committed Continue to Invest in Indonesia

By Humas     Date 27 Oktober 2015
Category: News
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President Jokowi accompanied by several ministers received the visit of General Electric leaders, in Blair House, Washington DC, US, on Monday (26/10) afternoon

Initiated the activities on the second day of the visit in the United States (US), President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) hold meetings (one to one meetings) with a number of businessmen in the US.

Located in Lee Drawing Room, Blair House, President Joko Widodo, Monday (26/10) at 10:45 local time, the first, held a meeting with Executive VP Chevron James Johnson. The meeting lasted approximately 20 minutes. Secondly, the President receives Vice Chairman of General Electric (GE) John Rice.

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Sudirman Said, who accompanied President Jokowi, in a press statement said, Chevron emphasis on several things. First, Chevron has been 90 years in Indonesia wants to continue the commitment in Indonesia.

“They have 40,000 employees, and 97 percent are from Indonesia. They are committed to continue to build human resource capacity in Indonesia,” said Sudirman told reporters at Blair House, Washington DC, US, on Monday (26/10).

According to Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, there are several projects, including a large prepared IDD (Indonesia Deep Water Development), which is an important project, because oil prices were inadequate they should adjust the calculation and the time when the POD has been revised to be delivered to the press.

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources also said that President Jokowi emphasized the need to think long term, because oil is a long-term investment. “We appreciate the presence of Chevron in Indonesia long enough,” Sudirman said.

Related to the case of Chevron workers, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Sudirman Said admits that it also alluded to the high level. They appreciate that the government since the beginning has been paying attention. “They understand it has entered the realm of law and the government cannot intervene. We tried that does not happen again,” Sudirman said.


Regarding the meeting with GE, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Sudirman Said told that GE has long been in Indonesia and even joint venture with PLN.

“There are two emphases, namely: the first will continue to invest resources in Indonesia, particularly electricity 35 thousand MW. The most rapid concrete projects, to build mobile generator, generating 25 MW the size of. Can be placed in a remote area, was transferred when it’s connected to the national network,” Sudirman said.

In addition, within 9 months could be installed 500 MW due to have ready stock. “It has been agreed with PLN to do that,” Sudirman said while mentioning, that GE also support health care technology.

When receiving the Chevron and GE leaders, President Jokowi accompanied by Coordinating Minister for Economy Darmin Nasution, Coordinating Minister of PMK Puan Maharani, Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno LP Marsudi, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Sudirman Said, Chief Staff of the President Teten Masduki, and Indonesian Ambassador in the US Budi Bowoleksono. (UN/SI/ES)/Sy.

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