Regarding the Election of MPR Speaker, Cabinet Secretary: Eliminate the Attitude of The Winners Take All

Regarding the Election of MPR Speaker, Cabinet Secretary: Eliminate the Attitude of The Winners Take All
The election of Peoples Consultative Assembly (MPR) speaker that will be held on Monday evening attracts a number of societies. Some people predict the election will have the same pattern with the election of House of Representatives (MPR) chairman where the politic parties joined the Red White Coalition (Koalisi Merah Putih-KMP) wiped out the chairs will be repeated.
The politic parties that support the government of the elected president Joko Widodo joined in Great Indonesia Coalition (Koalisi Indonesian Hebat-KIH) have anticipated it by proposing the package that consists of the MPR Speaker from Regional Representatives Fraction (FUD) while the other four are divided into two for the KMP and the KIH.
Regarding the issue, Cabinet Secretary Dipo Alam ensures that tonight deliberation in the MPR Election will be realized if there is statesman attitude exemplified by the former MPR Speaker, the late Taufik Kiemas.
I believe the deliberation will be created tonight if the political attitude of the winners take all has been lost, then the hospitality will be opened, Cabinet Secretary Dipo Alam said it through his twitter account @dipoalam49 uploaded on Monday.
Tawadhu and hospitality are the keys, he said.
According to Cabinet Secretary Dipo Alam, frankly Indonesian politic does not need to be shackled, whether Megawati (Chairman of PDIP) and SBY (Chairman of Democrat Party) meet up or not. The important thing is holding on to Pancasila, the 45 Constitution, Bhineka Tunggal Ika and the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia!
This Evening
As known, after the winning of KMP in election of the House of Representatives Chairman, the parties joined in KIH have conducted strategy changing by proposing the candidates package of MPR RI Speaker by encouraging candidates from Regional Representatives Fraction as the speaker candidate of MPR RI for 2014-2019 period. The rest 4chairs of the other speakers of MPR will be divided into two, for the KMP and KIH.
Previously, the politic parties joined in KMP have agreed to propose another package of MPR speaker which is 4 chairs for the politic parties joined in KMP and 1 chair for the Regional Representatives Fraction.
The election of MPR RI Speaker on Monday will be the answer of which package that won, is it the packaged proposed by KIH or KMP? Or another packaged will be emerged. (ES)