Regional Governments to Provide e-KTP Service during Weekends

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 29 Maret 2019
Category: News
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29maretRegional governments across Indonesia will still provide electronic identity card (e-KTP) service to public the whole week including weekends ahead of the upcoming general elections, according to Directorate General of Population and Civil Registration of Ministry of Home Affairs.

“The measure is taken to ensure that every resident have their ID immediately to take part in the elections ,” said Director General of Population and Civil Registration Agency of Ministry of Home Affairs Prof. Arif Zudan Fakhrullah, in a press release, Friday (29/3).

Arif added that he had issued a circular letter to governors, regents and mayors across Indonesia regarding this matter so that they can instruct local Director General of Population and Civil Registration Agency to provide the service as soon as possible. The agency will alsoreach out the people who do not have e-ID to record their data, he said.

Arif also asked the public to actively register themselves. According to him, as many as 2% residents have not had their data recorded for e-ID yet and they are the target of this program.

For the record, the Constitutional Court (MK) on Thursday (28/3) announced that e-ID or temporary residential certificate is a valid document to cast a vote for the elections. (Puspen Kemendagri/ES)



Translated by: Syarifah Aisyah
Edited by: Estu Widyamurti/M. Ersan Pamungkas

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