Remarks of President Joko Widodo at the Inauguration of the 21st Jakarta International Handicraft Trade Fair (Inacraft) 2019, on 24 April 2019, in Assembly Hall, Jakarta Convention Center, Jakarta Province

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 24 April 2019
Category: Speech Transcript
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Unofficial English Translation 


Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Good morning,
May peace be upon us all,
Om Swastiastu,
Namo Buddhaya,
Greetings of virtue.


Ladies and gentlemen,

Every time I visit Inacraft, I see this event is getting better every year; the quality of the handicraft products is getting better as well. And that is what I want to see, an improvement of our handicraft products, in terms of production capacity, product quality, product competitiveness, design, image, and the most important is export quality.

It is mentioned earlier that the handicraft entrepreneurs has reached 700,000 business units, in which have absorbed 1.3 million workers. The export value has also increased although the number just covers 1.26 percent of global market share. Very small amount and still have rooms to grow. Imagine if the market share rises, it will create more entrepreneurs and more work forces.

Thus, I suggest the people here to be more creative and innovative to enter global market, to seek more non-traditional markets, to improve product quality, and to increase the aesthetics of Indonesian handicrafts. Then the brands must also continue to be improved since the international market is very fond of brand.

Chairman of Indonesian Handicraft Producers and Exporters Association (ASEPHI) also mentioned  that online Inacraft is currently in development. This is very important. I fully support it. So, in this digital era, overseas buyers can access Indonesian handicraft products through online system.

I conclude my remarks in this good opportunity. Once again, I truly appreciate the Inacraft event that has been running for 21 years. By saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim I officially open the 2019 Inacraft.

Thank you.
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.(Public Relation Division of Cabinet Secretariat)(EW/AW/YM/Naster)

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