Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia after the Inspection of Corn Harvest in Sumbawa Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province, May 2, 2024

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 2 Mei 2024
Category: Remarks @en
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President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Well, these are, indeed, great corn harvests, in Sumbawa regency, Dompu regency. Last week, we noticed that in Gorontalo province, many commodities were harvested so the prices went down due to oversupply. Previously, the price was Rp7,000 and now it reaches Rp4,200. It is good for cattle farmers but not good for farmers. See, maintaining this kind of balance is not easy. I think the most important thing is that the productivity should improve, for instance, for instance, this area uses Tangguh seeds and the production reaches 7-8 tons, and BISI seeds also can produce 7, 8, 9 tons. So, the production should improve. However, some produced under 5 tons.



Averagely 5?

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)


Five tons. So, the price of Rp4,200 will not be enough.



So, some of the farmers said that they hope the price can be Rp5,000.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)


Well, we have made calculation and continue to encourage for it. However, if the supply is overabundant and the demand remains stable, the market price will surely drop due to oversupply.



Mr. President, as in the case of mining sector, does agriculture in every region has been industrialized?

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Well, I have mentioned about this to Minister for Agriculture, Minister for Trade, indeed, the industry should be near the corn farmings, so it can be produced to cattle feed or corn oil. This is what downstreaming should be. Indeed, this is what we continue to encourage, so the price can be more stable. If industrialization runs well, the price will be more stable. However, if it is far, the corn from here should be delivered to Java Island, from here to West Java province, it will be costly for the transportation.



One more, Mr. President. Sumbawa regency’s land is mostly still rainfed. Meanwhile, we only have one big dam in Sumbawa regency. Will there be more dams, Sir?

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

We have built dams mostly in West Nusa Tenggara province, we have built seven dams, others only have one, one, one, unlike here. Seven dams. The province has the most dams. Sumbawa regency has three dams, Batu Bulan dam, Beringin Sila dam, and Tiu [Suntuk] dam.


About National Education Day, Mr. President. There are still some underdeveloped schools, what do you think about it, the children, the underdeveloped schools?

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Well, some are developed, others are underdeveloped. The underdeveloped ones must be improved.



Kaesang said that you want to participate in the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI)’s campaign?

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)



Kaesang said you want to participate …

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Oh, it is PSI’s concern, PIS’s concern, ask the PSI’s chairman.


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