Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at a Limited Cabinet Meeting (through Video Conference) on COVID-19 Pandemic Handling Thursday, 4 June 2020 at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 5 Juni 2020
Category: Speech Transcript
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, 

Distinguished Vice President,

Ladies and Gentlemen.


On today’s Limited Cabinet Meeting, I would like to address several issues that deserve attention from all of us.

First, relating to one data. As I mentioned earlier during the previous limited meetings, management for one data has begun to improve so that we can get a real time report on the latest COVID-19 cases from the laboratory as well as from the regional COVID-19 Task Force so the policies that we formulate can be more appropriate and accurate. I once again order improvement of the one data.

Second, I order the COVID-19 Task Force and related ministries, the Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI), and the National Police, to focus on provinces that still have the highest number of COVID-19 cases, namely East Java, South Sulawesi, and South Kalimantan. Do pay close attention to those provinces so we can flatten the curve.

Third, regarding specimen testing. I would like to express gratitude that the specimen testing target of 10,000 tests per day has already been exceeded and in the future, I would like to set a target of 20,000 tests per day. We should prepare ourselves to meet the target.

Fourth, once again I order for massive tracking to be carried out even more aggressively by adopting modern telecommunications technology systems while starting to leave conventional ways. As we have seen in other countries, for example in New Zealand which use a digital diary, or in South Korea which developed a mobile GPS for COVID-19 data, (through those methods) the tracking system can be better monitored.

That concludes my remarks.

I thank you.




Translated by Estu Widyamurti

Reviewed by M. Ersan Pamungkas

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