Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at Beranda Nusantara’s “Towards the New National Capital”, February 23, 2022

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 23 Februari 2022
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Peace and prosperity be upon us,
Om Swastiastu,
Namo Buddhaya,
Greetings of virtue.

Dear listeners and viewers of state radio RRI (Radio Republik Indonesia), beloved Indonesian people,

Relocation of the nation’s capital city to New Capital City of Nusantara (IKN) is not just merely relocating the state civil apparatus and building government buildings. But it is a leap for the Indonesian people to transform the nation towards an advanced Indonesia

We will build IKN that truly shows the greatness of the Indonesian nation, reflects national identity, ensures socio-economic and environmental sustainability, creates a forest city, smart city, modern and sustainable city, and has international standards.

I believe IKN Nusantara will become a superior representation of the nation, so that it becomes an example for the development of other cities in Indonesia. And, to show the world’s citizens how Indonesia is carrying out new plans in building future aspirations. IKN is also a manifestation of Indonesia’s commitment in tackling climate change, which can be seen through the achievement and management of various indicators towards net-zero carbon emissions and 100 percent new and renewable energy by 2060.

A 10-minute city, 80 percent of public transportation, 70 percent of green areas, a reduction in temperature of two degrees, I also believe IKN Nusantara will become an inclusive city, an open city, a city for all. A very friendly city for all levels of society to live side by side, live in harmony, live together, and have the same opportunities to participate in building and developing IKN Nusantara

Dear RRI listeners and viewers, my beloved Indonesian people,
Community transformation can be initiated through urban development. This is what we will realize later at IKN. The city together with the natural environment and the built environment play an important role in transforming Indonesian human culture that is new and relevant to current developments and ready for the future.

This effort will be carried out through a transformation in caring for nature and the environment, with minimal impact on the environment, using natural materials and based on renewable energy. Transformation in the nation and state, reintroducing the axis of civilization of the archipelago, to the richness and diversity of Indonesia’s nature and culture. Transformation in living, in harmony with nature, equipped with housing that is dynamic, humanist, and based on the spirit of mutual assistance and togetherness. Transformation in work, including smart, creative, interconnected, integrated and collaborative works. Creating a work culture that is productive, that serves, and that has a sense of closeness to the communities. Transformation in mobility, green transportation and infrastructure that are efficient in energy as well as low carbon. A city that relies on pedestrians and mass transportation and is ready to adapt to the transportation of the future.

Dear RRI listeners and viewers, my beloved Indonesian people,
The first phase of the IKN Nusantara development plan will begin in the core area of ​​the central government. And it begins with efforts to revitalize and reforest the forests. Then, we will develop basic infrastructure, green and blue areas of the city, government complexes, offices, and housing along with their facilities and infrastructure.

I realize that we all have high aspirations and high hopes for IKN Nusantara. This leads us to this big project that requires contributions, roles, and cooperation from the entire communities. It takes a not-business-as-usual approach, the best team performance from urban planners and designers, architects, engineers, environmentalists, socio-economist, culturalists, artists, and other experts who can work in an integrated, multidisciplinary manner and involve the best ideas and solutions, both from Indonesians and contribution from the world community.

IKN Nusantara is a monumental work of the Indonesian nation which will later become the pride of all Indonesian people.
This concludes my remarks. I thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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