Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia At National Consolidation Meeting For the 2024 Simultaneous Elections, Beach City Entertainment Center, Ancol, Jakarta, December 2, 2022

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 2 Desember 2022
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Good morning,
May prosperity be upon us all,
Om swastiastu,
Namo Buddhaya,
Greetings of virtue.

Distinguished Chairperson of the KPU [General Elections Commission] Hasyim Asy’ari and all commissioners of General Elections Commission of the Republic of Indonesia;

Distinguished Cabinet Ministers: Minister of Home Affairs, Cabinet Secretary;

Distinguished Chairperson of the Bawaslu [The Elections Supervisory Agency], Chairperson of the DKPP [Election Organization Ethics Council], Chief of the Indonesian National Police;

Distinguished Chairpersons of Provincial General Elections Commission;

Distinguished Chairpersons of General Elections Commission in Regencies and Cities across Indonesia;

Chairperson of the KIP [Independent Elections Commission] in Regencies and Cities in Aceh Province;

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The year of 2024 is a very important political momentum, because we are organizing the largest democratic event in the same year: the election for the President and Vice President, elections for members of the DPR, DPD and DPRD, followed by regional elections: elections for Governors and Vice Governors, elections for Regents and Vice Regents, and elections for Mayors and Vice Mayors, all of them will be held in the same year, in 2024. This is not an easy task. This is an important task that will determine the future of our nation, the future of our country, involving a very large number of voters.Based on the last number, how many [voters], Mr Chairperson? [As many as] 189 million voters will vote at the same time, in about six hours, from 07.00 to 13.00.

To manage all of this is not easy, with the vast territory of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and with very diverse geographical condition, very different from other countries. Imagine, we have to go to 17,000 islands. Some of the election officers went by boats, some of them went by vessels, some of them need logistics distribution support from the TNI and the Polri due to the difficult conditions in the area. Someone was reported fell off the motorbike because our infrastructure is not perfect yet. Some of the roads are already in a good condition, like toll roads, but there are roads that are still not in good condition. This is the situation we must deal with.

Once again, the very diverse geographical conditions are not easy to overcome, especially regarding the distribution of election logistics. I am aware of the situation on the ground because I often visit remote areas. This is not an easy task.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I believe in the experience we have in organizing previous elections. We have sufficient capacity to prepare for the 2024 elections, much better than the previous elections.

We must make the best use of the remaining time to improve the technical capacity for election preparation, fix existing deficiencies, fix problems that we must solve, overcome existing obstacles, and overcome existing weaknesses. We have to overcome all challenges together.

We must also develop innovation to improve the quality of the elections and to ensure that the process and the results receive broad support from the public. This is important, because it has something to do with the legitimacy. To that end, there are a number of things I would like to convey to all KPU personnel.

First, we must ensure that all measures taken at all stages of the elections should be supported by technical provisions. This is important. Each stage must have a clear legal corridor. This is important as the anticipatory measures and to overcome various problems that will arise.

Second, let me remind you that technical matters can become political matters. Once again, we must be cautious because technical matters can become political matters. To that end, logistical facilities and infrastructure should be prepared in detail, and the procurement should be carried out in the right amount and at the right time. Surely, we need to prepare for this. Don’t let unpreparedness cause problems on the ground. These little things, if we don’t follow up and solve them in detail, can become problems on the ground. In addition, it is important to maintain efficiency and transparency and to maintain the accountability.

Third, we need to strengthen human resources at every stage of the election. All personnel from the lowest to the highest levels should be equipped with knowledge, skills and other capabilities needed, so that all apparatus and personnel are able to work properly. All KPU personnel must realize the magnitude and importance of their task of guarding our nation’s democratic event. It is a very important moment to show our commitment and integrity, and to show our dedication and the best ability for the future of our nation.

Fourth, during the elections, we must be cautious because the 2024 elections will be held in a global economy full of uncertainty. We must have the same commitment regarding this. The global economy is difficult to predict, difficult to quantify, and difficult to calculate.

I have often said that currently there are 14 countries that have received IMF assistance. In the past [in] 1997 and 1998 there were only five countries. Currently there are 14 countries that are recipients of IMF assistance, and 20 countries are listed in the IMF waiting list to receive assistance. In the meantime, there are 66 countries that are vulnerable to being included in the IMF waiting list. We must have the same understanding that now we are not in a normal situation, but in an abnormal situation because of the pandemic. Starting with the pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and geopolitical tensions, new problems emerge, including food crisis, energy crisis, financial crisis, and cost of living crisis in all countries, especially in the developed countries.

We must have the same understanding that the world is facing a tough situation and all heads of state are facing a tough situation. Thank God, we are in a better situation and we must be grateful for that. Among the G20 countries, we are among the countries that have recorded growth. Our economic growth is among the best, with 5.72 percent growth. Nevertheless, we must remain cautious and vigilant. Don’t make the wrong policy, no matter how small the problem is. To that end, we really have to maintain political stability, because it will affect the economic sector.

Once again, the 2024 elections will be held in a global economic situation full of challenges, difficulties and uncertainty, while we are working hard to continue to recover our economy. Therefore, the KPU should work efficiently, utilize its budget carefully and efficiently, and set priority scales.

Finally, I urge the KPU to strengthen political education for contestants and the public. This is very important. Since the beginning, we have invited election participants to hold peaceful and fair elections, and reject any measures that will harm our democracy: spreading slander, spreading hate speech, money politics and others. We should support the quality campaign that strengthen our democracy, optimize the use of information technology, and prioritize the politics of arguing over ideas, not the political polarization.

That concludes my remarks on this auspicious occasion.
I thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
May God bless you all.
Om santi santi santi om. (RI/MMB)

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