Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at One Ocean Summit 2022, Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java Province, February 11, 2022

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 11 Februari 2022
Category: Remarks @en
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Thank you His Excellency President Macron for organizing this meeting.

As the world’s largest archipelagic country, Indonesia regards a healthy marine environment as key to our sustainable development. Indonesia is proud to be one of the countries at the forefront in marine protection.

We are committed to achieving the target of marine conservation areas covering an area of 32.5 million hectares by 2030. In 2021, we managed to protect an area of 28.1 million hectares or 86.5 percent.

We are optimistic our commitments in 2030 can be materialized.

We are also committed to reducing 70 percent of marine plastic waste by 2025.

We continue to make a host of efforts, ranging from an action plan for handling marine plastic waste to the construction of a power plant made from waste that converts 1,000 tons of waste per day to 10 megawatts of electricity.

The mangrove ecosystem also remains our concern.

We are targeting the rehabilitation of 600,000 hectares of mangroves by 2024.

We believe all these efforts will not only bring an impact on the preservation of the marine environment and sustainable development, but also on climate change.

For the record, during COP26 last year, together with the Archipelagic and Island States Forum countries, Indonesia called for the importance of the link between the ocean and climate change. Indonesia believes that with international support, archipelagic countries and small island countries can be part of the solution.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Management of the marine environment needs to be placed in the dimension of sustainable development and to be a part of supporting economic recovery from the impact of the pandemic.

We have taken breakthrough measures, including a measured and quota-based fishing policy supported by an integrated technology-based surveillance system, as well as the development of aquaculture villages based on local wisdom for poverty alleviation and the preservation of high economic value commodities.

At the global level, Indonesia also continues to support the focus of marine issues. Indonesia’s G20 presidency will put emphasis on the importance of a blue economy, blue carbon, and handling marine debris.

Indonesia stands ready to partner with all sides for the realization of a sustainable marine ecosystem.

I thank you.



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