Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the 2023 National Coordination Meeting and the Council Meeting of the Crescent Star Party (PBB), the Ballroom of eL-Royal Hotel, Jakarta, January 11, 2023

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 11 Januari 2023
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Distinguished Bambang Soesatyo, Speaker of the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR) of the Republic of Indonesia;
Distinguished La Nyala Mataliti, Speaker of the Regional Representative Council (DPD) of the Republic of Indonesia;
Distinguished Minister of State Secretary Professor Pratikno, Vice Ministers, Chairpersons of Political Parties and Leaders of Political Parties;
Distinguished Chairperson of the Central Board of the Crescent and Star Party (PBB) Professor Dr. Yusril Ihza Mahendra, all Central Board Members of the PBB,  Chairpersons and Leaders of Regional Chapters, Chairperson and Leaders of Local Chapters across the nation, Religious Leaders;
Ladies and Gentlemen.

First, let me congratulate the PBB which has qualified as a contestant for the 2024 elections. I would also like to extend my appreciation for the PBB’s commitment to the national unity. Professor Yusril has said that although the PBB is seen as an Islamic party, the PBB cadres are committed to the national principle.

I am aware that, as stated by Professor Yusril, several PBB regional chapters’ chairperson are non-Muslims, such as in Papua, in East Nusa Tenggara, and in Bali. Thank you for making Islam and Indonesia as the spirit of the PBB.

After listening to what Prof. Yusril said, and considering his very long experience, I will support if Professor Yusril in 2024 is nominated as President or Vice President. I am serious. I am serious. The PBB’s task is to provide support to get 20 percent [of the total seats]. That is the task of the party. Once that target is achieved, I will support it. I am serious. When I was a mayor, one of the parties that supported me at that time was the PBB. When I became President, the PBB also supported me. Thus, it is all right if this time I provide my support.

Now, we talk about the nation. Many of us are not aware that we are currently in a global crisis. We feel that we are in a normal situation, even though the situation of all countries, including Indonesia, is in a global crisis. We are facing many threats and risks, including a global recession, financial recession, food crisis, energy crisis, war and a very high inflation rate.

Last week, after the new year, Managing Director of the IMF Kristalina Georgieva said that in 2023 we must be aware that one third of the world’s economy is predicted to fall into recession. That is, if there are more than 200 countries, it means that 70 countries will fall into recession. Only a few countries were affected by the recession in 1997 and 1998 but the situation has made our economy collapsed. Now, 60 to 70 countries are predicted to have their economy collapsed.

She said that in a country that is not hit by a recession, hundreds of millions of people will still be affected by recession. We still feel that we are in a normal situation, because our economy is still very normal. Alhamdulillah, thank God, we should be grateful for this. In the 3rd quarter of 2022, our economic growth was 5.72 (percent), while the 4th quarter economic growth is still being calculated. At the end of the month the number will be published, and I think it will still be very high.

Yesterday morning I received the information that there are 16 countries receiving assistance from the IMF. In 1998 we also received the assistance from the IMF because our economy collapsed, our politics also collapsed at that time. Now, 16 countries have received the IMF assistance and 36 countries are on the waiting list to receive the IMF assistance. It means that the current situation is very abnormal. I am not trying to spread fear, these are the numbers that I have to convey as it is.

Due to the pandemic and war, every night, based on the latest information I got, there are 825 million people in hunger, 825 million. Why do we still feel that we are in a normal situation? Because our economic growth is still very high at 5.72 (percent), the highest among the G20 member countries.

To that end, once again, we must all be aware that the global crisis threatens all countries. On the other hand, our competitiveness is getting better, supported by infrastructure that we develop equitably in all provinces. The infrastructure, thank God, really supports our current economic stability.

Our poverty rate has also decreased, thank God, from 10.1 percent in 2021 to 9.54 percent in 2022, while the unemployment rate has decreased from 7.1 percent in 2021 to 5.9 percent in 2022, supported by an increase in investment in the country.

Now if we look at the portion of capital flow coming to the island of Java and outside Java, the portion outside the Java is already bigger than that of in Java. Right now, the capital flow outside the island of Java is bigger than the capital flow in the Java. The capital flow outside the island of Java in 2022 is 53 percent, while the capital flow in Java is 47 [percent]. If this continues to increase, it means that the economic equality will occur not only in the island of Java, but also outside the Java. We have 17,000 islands and the island of Java is the center, but if you look at the numbers in Java, the GDP of the economy is at 56 percent. [As much as] 56 percent of our GDP is in Java, so we can imagine what percentage is left for the other 17,000 islands.

Regarding the population, 56 percent of Indonesia’s population live in Java. The island is densely populated and the economy is centered on the island of Java. This is what we want to change. We aim to achieve economic equality. We must continue to maintain this momentum, as well as maintain political stability and security stability.

In the election year, which is only one year away, we will have Presidential elections and legislative elections. We should maintain political stability and security and prevent disruption to the existing economic growth. Don’t let the global crisis and the election year disturb the economy [because] it is very difficult to restore it in a world full of uncertainty, which is difficult to predict and difficult to calculate.

We hope that in the political competition during the Presidential and legislative elections, we stay away from identity politics. Today is not the era of political conflicts, it is the era of contesting ideas and contesting programs.

I agree with the statement by Professor Yusril that we all have to maintain unity. Do not sacrifice the interests of the nation for personal gain, for party interests, and for other interests. Once again, let’s get together to win with respect, and with courtesy. If we want to win, we must use noble ways.

That concludes my remarks on this auspicious occasion. By saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, this afternoon I officially open the 2023 National Coordination Meeting and the Council Meeting of the Crescent Star Party.

I thank you.

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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