Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the 49th Anniversary of the Indonesian Civil Servant Corps (KORPRI), Sunday, 29 November 2020, from the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java Province

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 29 November 2020
Category: Speech Transcript
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

May peace and prosperity be upon us all,

Om Swastiastu,

Namo Buddhaya,

Greetings of Virtue.

Distinguished Ministers of the Indonesia Onward Cabinet;

Distinguished Heads of Non-Ministerial Government Institutions;

Honorable Chairman of the Indonesian Civil Servant Corps

(KORPRI) and its ranks;

Honorable KORPRI members;

Esteemed Guests.

On behalf of all the people, the Government, and the state, I wish to congratulate all KORPRI members a Happy 49th Anniversary, wherever you are. I appreciate it, I appreciate the enthusiasm of KORPRI members amid the pandemic, as you are currently carrying out the duty of service from the state, namely serving the community.

I understand that in carrying out the duties of the state, there must be many difficulties, there must be many limitations. However, I hope that these difficulties and limitations will not become a barrier for us to work swiftly and quickly to help in overcoming various problems, both in the health and economic sectors.

KORPRI Members that I am proud of,

First, we must continue to accelerate bureaucratic and structural reforms. And, the COVID-19 pandemic has provided a momentum for a fundamental change from using ordinary means to extraordinary ways, from lengthy and cumbersome procedures to using smart and swift shortcuts.

This new method must take advantage of technology, especially digital technology. In the current pandemic, this is the momentum for most bureaucrats to work from home, accelerate digital transformation, make the bureaucratic apparatus more adaptive, and more skilled at utilizing technology by promoting innovation and creativity.

Apart from that, structural reforms cannot be delayed any longer. Complex regulations that hinder work creativity must be trimmed and simplified. Large and complex, overlapping, and inefficient government institutions must be integrated immediately. Echelon positions must be trimmed to speed up decision making. Long and rigid SOPs should be shorten and more flexible as well as results-oriented.

As a consequence, the competence of the human resources of the state civil apparatus (ASN) must adjust. The mindset must be goal-oriented, result-oriented, adaptive to advances in science and technology. It must provide opportunities for skilled juniors and young experts to come forward, as well as creative and innovative thinking to solve problems and provide the best service to the community.

Distinguished Guests,

Secondly, in addition to fast and effective service duties, ASN must also carry out national duties. The existence of ASN in all parts of Indonesia including remote borders and villages is a knot that unifies the nation, those who always safeguard and practice the values ​​of Indonesian ideology of Pancasila, faithfully protect and submit to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, maintain the values ​​of the pledge of Unity in Diversity (Bhinneka Tunggal Ika), and preserve values ​​of tolerance and harmony.

You must carry out this noble task as well as possible. ASN in all parts of Indonesia must also drive the development in all corners of Indonesia, inform national development priority programs to the community, be active in public education, set an example in social life, and become a motor of development and change, especially for people in rural and remote areas.

Finally, on this auspicious occasion, I invite all KORPRI members to be an important part of the massive change process that we are currently undertaking. Provide a valuable legacy in the history of the nation’s journey to create the Advanced Indonesia that we aspire to be.

I thank you.

This concludes my remarks.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Om Santi Santi Santi Om,

Namo Buddhaya.



Translated by Fairuzzamani Inayatillah
Reviewed by Mia Medyana B

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