Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the 52nd Anniversary of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs’ Association (HIPMI) at the Grand Ballroom of the Fairmont Hotel, Jakarta Special Capital Region, June 10, 2024

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 10 Juni 2024
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Good afternoon,

May Peace Be Upon Us All,


Om Swastiastu,

Namo Buddhaya,

Greetings of Virtue,


Distinguished Chairperson of the Indonesian People’s Consultative Assembly and all Heads of State Institutions present,

Distinguished Ministers of the Onward Indonesia Cabinet,

Governor of Jakarta Special Capital Region,

And the National Police Chief are all present this afternoon,


Let me offer my utmost respect to Chairperson of HIPMI and the management, from the Head Office to the regional branches nationwide who are in attendance this afternoon.


Let me also extend my respects to the founder, the initiators, and all the current chairs of HIPMI who are present this afternoon.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Esteemed Guests and Visitors,


I welcome you warmly.


First and foremost, allow me to wish a happy 52nd anniversary to the entire HIPMI family. Today is a special day and I am excited to extend my heartfelt anniversary wishes to all of you.


The General Chairperson presented it as a birthday gift. I did not need to speak softly; the timing from the car to here was very tight. I said that I had signed the National Entrepreneurship Day Presidential Decree as proposed and requested by the founder of HIPMI.


As I recall, Chairperson of HIPMI visited the palace a month or two ago and requested it as a presidential decree.


For me, HIPMI’s 52nd anniversary is unique because President-elect Prabowo Subianto will be present on its 53rd anniversary. Despite the change in presidency, we do not need to worry as the current programs focus on sustainability.


What key areas should we prioritize to reach the vision of Golden Indonesia 2045 and what potential challenges should we be mindful of?


The first is the demographic bonus.


Indonesia will reach the peak of the demographic bonus from 2030 to 2040. Hence, it is essential to strategically plan and prepare for the development of high-quality human resources to fully capitalize on the demographic dividend and propel Indonesia toward progress.


Second, we must carefully consider the concept of technological disruption. We must be aware of this. It is essential to closely monitor the impact of advancements in AI, generative AI, and singularity, and understand their potential implications for our country. This calls for careful consideration. Let us avoid hasty assumptions about technological disruption.


I am confident everyone at HIPMI is well-accustomed to these concepts because all HIPMI members are part of the digital generation. I come from the analog generation so the contrast is quite pronounced. Therefore, regarding AI, generative AI, and the idea of singularity, I am confident my colleagues at HIPMI are very well-versed in these concepts.

Third, this technological disruption will bring changes that will reshape the world’s geopolitical and economic landscapes. These changes will undoubtedly affect our country, from behavior to tastes, color trends, and culture. The business and financial landscape is set to change. Many young, dynamic individuals quickly adapt and are active participants in HIPMI.


We will discuss the concepts of green economy, green energy, and green financing in the future. Currently, I do not have the information because I do not engage with banks. However, green energy projects have ample access to global financing opportunities. The green industry is garnering more attention, and it is easy to obtain financing. So, we all need to notice and expect this change and shift.


Green food, blue food, and other emerging trends are the future. HIPMI must confidently develop a strategy to capitalize on these new opportunities.


Let us anticipate and seize the opportunities presented by the demographic bonus, technological disruption, and changes in the economic landscape with accuracy and confidence.


We all want HIPMI to prepare and effectively plan our future business strategy for success. Industries such as minerals and coal, plantations, agriculture, and maritime affairs require HIPMI to establish a detailed road map. We must capitalize on opportunities as they arise to exploit them fully.


I am pleased that the agro-maritime industry is also thriving at HIPMI. I learned about Chicken Indonesia, which is involved in smart and chicken farming. Initially, they had only 1,000 chickens, but now they have 45 million. The business’s growth is significant, but I will not examine the financial details. The owner is concerned about tax implications, a common worry among entrepreneurs.


Then, Ardena Food offers frozen food made from processed fish and chicken and has experienced a significant growth. Initially, production was only 40 kilograms daily, but it has increased to 5 tons daily. This substantial jump in production presents a valuable opportunity for HIPMI to utilize. With HIPMI’s five decades of experience in seizing existing opportunities, I am confident it can effectively adapt to changes in the business and economic landscape.


I gave an example earlier today, expressing uncertainty about my availability this afternoon due to another event at the Palace but Minister of Investment explored this small opportunity. By 4 o’clock, I arrived at the palace. “Sir, are you ready?” To my surprise, we both finally came here.


In the car, I was asked: “Sir, what matters most is that my shares have increased significantly.” I am sure that HIPMI will be able to continue to innovate, scale up, and win the existing global competitions, as well as competitions in our beloved country.


That concludes my remarks.

I thank you.


Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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