Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Handover of 2023 KUR and the Launching of Digital Farmer Card in North Aceh Regency, Aceh Province, February 10, 2023

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 10 Februari 2023
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Alhamdulillahirabbil alamin washolatu wassalamu ala asrafil ambiya’iwal mursalin sayyidina wa habibina wasyafi’ina wa maulana Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa shohbihi ajma’in Amma ba’du. [Introduction of remarks in Islamic tradition]

Distinguished Minister of State Secretary, Minister of State-owned Enterprises, and Vice Minister of State-owned Enterprises;

Distinguished Governor of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, Regent of North Aceh, Mayor of Lhokseumawe, and Members of Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda);

Distinguished President Director, Board of Directors, and Board of Commissioners of PT Bank Syariah Indonesia;

Distinguished People Businesses’ Credit (KUR) Recipients;

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Alhamdulillah, we have to be grateful that last December, we have revoked the PPKM (public activity restrictions)policy. It means that there are no more restrictions due to COVID-19. Secondly, in 2020, the economic growth in Aceh was minus. It was minus 0.37, while last year, 2022, the economic growth in Aceh grew plus 4.21. It is what we have to be grateful for.

And today the Bank Syariah Indonesia has provided Rp14 billion for 38 provinces throughout Indonesia. Aceh province will receive huge allocation. How much is it, Mr. President Director? It is Rp3 trillion. It is a huge number. Out of Rp14 trillion, Rp3 trillion will be allocated for Aceh province alone. We also have to be grateful for this.

I have ever lived in Aceh. I lived in Lhokseumawe, in Bener Meriah. I noticed that Aceh has great potential, such as trade, fisheries, agriculture, plantation. All are over here. Big industries that have been closed since 2005 are AAF, PIM, KKA. Alhamdulillah, we just have inaugurated state-owned fertilizer producer PT. Pupuk Iskandar Muda (PIM) in Arun, Lhokseumawe. We reopened the company with an investment of Rp1.7 billion so that it will create many jobs just like when I worked at the state-owned paper producer PT. Kertas Kraft Aceh (KKA).

When I was here in 1985~1988, all sectors were alive. Economy in Aceh grew steadily. Since the gas reserves ran out, all businesses were closed down. Big factories were closed. It means that there was a wave of layoffs. It also means that money circulation decreased. Economy will grow, if a country or a province or a region has high velocity of money. To that end, the President Director [of BSI] has allocated Rp3 trillion in order to strengthen the economic growth in Aceh. I am pleased to hear that.

I noticed that there were recipients who received Rp100 million, Rp50 million, Rp20 million, as well as Rp500 million credit from BSI. As long as the business meets the criteria, you can receive Rp500 million credit.

I always remind all of you to stay prudent to maintain the money. If one receives a credit of Rp300 million, do not buy a car. Do not allocate it to pay a downpayment for a car. Please be prudent. You cannot pay the instalment to BSI, to the car leasing. You can only show off for six months, but you cannot pay the credit. Please be cautious. I remind all of you that the payment must be carried out in a discipline manner and monthly instalment must be prepared.

Who has received Rp100 million credit? Please raise your hand. Are there any recipients who has received Rp100 million credit?  Can one of you come up here? Yes, you come up the front. There will be a reward for someone who comes up the front. Please, introduce yourself.

KUR Recipient (Zuhelmi)

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

My name is Zulhelmi.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
How do I call you?Zul?

KUR Recipient (Zuhelmi)

Yes, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

How much[credit] did you receive, Zul?

KUR Recipient (Zuhelmi)

Rp100 million, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

What will you do with the money you receive?

KUR Recipient (Zuhelmi)

It is for fertilizer business, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)


KUR Recipient (Zuhelmi)

Yes, Sir. Subsidized and non-subsidized fertilizer.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)


KUR Recipient (Zuhelmi)

And also pesticide business, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Are you sure that you can get the fertilizer?

KUR Recipient (Zuhelmi)

Yes, Sir. I am sure.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Where do you get it?

KUR Recipient (Zuhelmi)

A supply from distributor, Sir. I am a vendor.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Okay, you get it from the distributor.

KUR Recipient (Zuhelmi)

Yes, Sir. It is from PT. PIM.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

And then you resell it?

KUR Recipient (Zuhelmi)

Yes, Sir. I sell it directly to the farmers.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Okay, I am sure that you will get profit. Good job. How long will you pay the instalment for Rp100 million credit?

KUR Recipient (Zuhelmi)

The tenor of instalment is four years, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Okay, four years.

KUR Recipient (Zuhelmi)

Monthly instalment costs Rp2,300,000.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Can you afford it?

KUR Recipient (Zuhelmi)

Yes, I can afford it, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Insyaallah you can afford it.

KUR Recipient (Zuhelmi)

Yes, absolutely, Sir. It is also profitable.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

“Yes absolutely.” You know, you are sure. “Yes, I can afford it, Sir.” You have to say that. “Yes absolutely, I can do it, Sir” Rp2 million instalment is affordable. Do not you say “I have no idea [to pay], Sir.” BSI has provided the credit, but you are not sure that you can afford the monthly instalment. You have to be sure you can do it. Another question, do you also allocate it for paying a downpayment of car?

KUR Recipient (Zuhelmi)

No, Sir. I ride a motorbike here, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

I remind all of you, if you receive a credit, do not be in hurry to [spend it]. Indeed, it is profitable, but do not be in hurry. Do not be complacent to spend it for buying a car. If your profit increases, Rp200 million, Rp300 million, Rp400 million, you can buy a car. But, buy a productive car, pickup truck car so that it can be useful to deliver fertilizer.

Do not buy a car for showing off. “Wow, it is cool that Mr. Zul now drives an Avanza.” Unfortunately, it is only six months. After six months, you cannot afford to pay the instalment.

More question, how can you attract the consumer? You come to the farmers or just wait for the customer?

KUR Recipient (Zulhelmi)

In region where I live, there is a 1,200-hectare of land area for rice field, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Is it only for rice crop?

KUR Recipient (Zuhelmi)

Yes, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)


KUR Recipient (Zuhelmi)

There are two harvest seasons every year. It means that the land area reaches 2,400 hectares. The farmers come to my stall.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

It means that farmers need the supply, don’t they?

KUR Recipient (Zuhelmi)

Yes, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

It means that you have the profit. You do not have to look for consumers nor buyers. Farmers who need the fertilizer can come to you. Okay, I will give you a bike. Congratulations.

KUR Recipient (Zulhemi)

Ok, thank you, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

If you sell this bike, Zul, you may get a car. The mark “President Jokowi” on the bike is expensive. It is the mark that is expensive, not the bike. Thank you. The bike is yours. You can bring it so that the other also want it.

Is there anyone who wants to come up the front? Now, there is a lot of people. Only one. One person please come up the front. All people rise hand since the reward is bike. Earlier, there is no people. Okay, please introduce yourself.

KUR Recipient (Duma)

My name is Duma Masrita Siagian.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Pardon me?

KUR Recipient (Duma)

Duma Masrita Siagian, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)


KUR Recipient (Duma)


President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Okay, Mrs. Duma. What kind of business do you have, Mam?

KUR Recipient (Duma)

I sell foods, hijab at the market in Lhokseumawe city.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

What kind of food? Why do you also sell hijab?

KUR Recipient (Duma)

Two kinds of business, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Do you have different stall?

KUR Recipient (Duma)

Yes, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Do you have one or two stalls?

KUR Recipient (Duma)

Two stalls, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Two different stalls. What kinds of food do you sell?

KUR Recipient (Duma)

Fast food, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

What kinds of fast food?

KUR Recipient (Duma)

Cooked fishes, vegetables.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Can people dine in?

KUR Recipient (Duma)

Yes, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

How much is the turnover?

KUR Recipient (Duma)

It is Rp350 thousand per day, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

It means that in 30 days you will earn Rp9 million revenue. It a huge figure. How about your hijab business?

KUR Recipient (Duma)

Its profit is Rp300 thousand per day since there is lack of consumers, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Is it turnover or profit? It is a huge profit.

KUR Recipient (Duma)

Yes, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Per day?

KUR Recipient (Duma)

Yes, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

It is a huge profit.

KUR Recipient (Duma)

Yes, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Alhamdulillah, you must be grateful for it. How many credits did you receive?

KUR Recipient (Duma)

I received Rp300 million, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Rp300 million?

KUR Recipient (Duma)

Yes, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Wow, Mrs. Duma belongs to conglomerate class.

KUR Recipient (Duma)


President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Good job. It means that you have big stalls.

KUR Recipient (Duma)

No, Sir. It is not big considering that it is located at the Inpres Market.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

It is possible to have big stall at the Inpres market, isn’t it?

KUR Recipient (Duma)

No, Sir. There is no big stall. The location was set considering that it is a Government’s market.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Oh, okay. But, you received a credit of Rp300 million with a revenue and a profit you have, it is a good job.

KUR Recipient (Duma)


President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

What do you drive to your stall?

KUR Recipient (Duma)

I ride a motorbike, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Do you have a car?

KUR Recipient (Duma)

I still use a motorbike, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

My question is that do you have a car?

KUR Recipient (Duma)

Not yet, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Okay. From the credit of Rp300 million and you will have a profit of Rp300 thousand per day which means Rp9 million per month, you can save a half of your profit for the instalment Indeed, the management must be made. Mam, did you also make a report on who was your consumer?

KUR Recipient (Duma)

Yes, Sir. It is well recorded.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Yes, it’s important to make a report so that [we will know] how much is the expense, how much is the sale, and how much is the profit. Even though we use a simple book, it must be recorded so that it will be valid.”It is my portfolio, Mr. President Director.  Why did I only receive Rp50 million? It should be Rp500 million, Sir.” It is bargaining. Oh, it meets the criteria to get Rp300 million, give them Rp300 million credit. If we don’t have a report, how do we make a good credit proposal for BSI. I noticed that what Mrs. Duma has done is excellent. Thank you, Mam. Okay, you will get a bike. Do not worry. If you have come up the front, you will get a bike.

But, the bike is gone. Oh, there is still one bike. Calm down. The man who stands there at the back. Yes, you. Please come up the front. Introduce yourself.

KUR Recipient (M. Nasir)

My name is Nasir, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Mr. Nasir?

KUR Recipient (M. Nasir)

Yes, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

What kinds of business do you run, Sir?

KUR Recipient (M. Nasir)

A workshop, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

What kinds of workshop?

KUR Recipient (M. Nasir)

A car paint workshop.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Okay, a car paint workshop. So, when my car is dented, can it be repaired at your workshop?

KUR Recipient (M. Nasir)

Yes, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

How many credits do you receive from BSI?

KUR Recipient (M. Nasir)

Rp400 million.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Rp400 million? Okay, Rp400 million. Mr. Nasir has a lot of cars. At his workshop, he has a lot of cars.

KUR Recipient (M. Nasir)

Yes, Sir. The cars are not mine. 

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Yes, the cars are not yours. How long have you received the credit?

KUR Recipient (M. Nasir)

Three times I have received it, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Oh I see, three times. It means that you often use it. Did you make a report? Is there a report for buying paint, polyester putty, or sandpaper?

KUR Recipient (M. Nasir)

Yes, Sir. 

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Is there a daily report?

KUR Recipient (M. Nasir)

Yes, Sir. 

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Good job. I noticed that all of you are concern in management. It is a good job. How about an income? Did you also make a report?

KUR Recipient (M. Nasir)

Yes, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Is there a daily report?

KUR Recipient (M. Nasir)

Yes, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

For the example, is there a report for January?

KUR Recipient (M. Nasir)

Yes, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

It is a good job. It must be an example. All is recorded. Please be cautious. The money is not yours. When it is recorded, it is good so that previous mismanaged thingscan be learned. We can also know in which sector is not efficient yet and we know all our consumers. “Oh, a lot of my consumers are from Bireuen.” “Oh, a lot of my consumers are from Bener Meriah.” “Oh, a lot of my consumers are from Goyo Lues.” “Oh, a lot of my consumers are from Lhokseumawe.” We can check it all. It is the importance of management. I remind all of you.

What was your initial credit?

KUR Recipient (M. Nasir)

It was Rp200 million, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Rp200 million, and then?

KUR Recipient (M. Nasir)

Rp300 million.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Rp300 million. And then?

KUR Recipient (M. Nasir)

Rp400 million, Sir.

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

It is a good job. Do not loan from BSI with an initial credit of Rp500 million. It is dangerous. It must be levelled up. From “Elementary school”, “Middle school”, “High school”, to “University”, then “Bachelor”, “Master”, “Doctoral” so that the fundamental is strong. Why did I say that? I had experience. The first time I got a credit of Rp10 million. Second time, I got Rp30 million credit. Then, I increased it. I appreciate Mr. Nasir for his story that he received Rp200 million, Rp300 million, to Rp400 million credit. Okay, thank you Mr. Nasir. You can bring the bike.

KUR Recipient (M. Nasir)

Excuse me, Sir.I had a dream that I took a photo with the President. Can I take a picture with you, Sir?

President of the Republic Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

You have the bike and then you ask for the bonus. Okay, you can bring the bike and take a picture with the President.

That concludes my remarks on this auspicious occasion.  By saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, this afternoon I officially launch Digital Farmer Card for Subsidiary Fertilizer. I thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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