Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Inauguration of National Working Meeting of the National Search and Rescue Agency at the State Palace, Special Capital Region of Jakarta, February 21, 2022

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 21 Februari 2022
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Good morning,

May peace be upon us all,

Om Swastiastu,

Namo Buddhaya,

Greetings of virtue.


Distinguished Ministers of the Indonesia Onward Cabinet,

Excellencies, Ambassadors of Friendly Countries,

Distinguished Head of the National Search and Rescue Agency and all of his ranks in the central and regional agencies,

Distinguished SAR (Search and Rescue) reserves across the country,

Ladies and Gentlemen.

First and foremost, on behalf of the people, the nation, and the state, let me wish you a happy 50th anniversary, golden anniversary. And I would like to extend my highest gratitude to the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) for always being agile in helping people, helping our brothers and sisters who are facing disasters in various regions, in various disaster grounds.

We are aware that our country has high risks of disaster and risks of emergencies, accidents, natural disasters, and other life-threatening situations. Disasters whose occurrence is hard to predict, hard to forecast, which can occur anytime, anywhere, to anyone.

Therefore, preparedness and vigilance are of particular importance. We need a SAR team that is responsive, militant, and able to provide assistance in a fast and accurate manner in conditions that require special treatment of emergency response and life-threatening conditions.

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

Our challenges to face emergency situations will be even bigger. However, in any situation, search and rescue services must be agile and fast to save every human life. Anywhere, in any situation, every individual must be saved from risks of disaster and other emergencies. Basarnas must be present quickly to provide assistance. Every second matters to save a life.

To that end, let me underscore several matters. First, do make more innovations using technology. This is mandatory. SAR technology has developed rapidly and become more advanced. It can help to make projection and analysis faster and more accurate, and with more appropriate and effective handling, we can save more lives. Therefore, Basarnas must not be left behind. Let me repeat it. Basarnas must not be left behind in technology. It must quickly adapt to the most recent SAR technological development.

Second, do continue to improve the competence of human resources. SAR human resources must possess high competence [and] relevant skills that meet the current needs, and the safety of the working SAR team must be ensured.

Third, do strengthen synergy and collaboration. SAR is an integrated work that involves ministries, involves Government institutions, involves the Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI), involves the Indonesian National Police (Polri), business entities, involves community organizations, and other SAR reserves. Involve all elements of the people, all reserves, and put aside sectoral ego. Everyone must create synergy in humanitarian operations.

Fourth, do strengthen prevention, mitigation, and anticipation. This is also essential. Provide massive SAR education and technical training to the people. We must build awareness so that people care more and are agile to take preventive measures, especially in disaster-prone areas and emergency areas. Thus, SAR culture can be built and the people are resilient in emergencies.

Finally, I hope this national working meeting bears innovative ideas that can be implemented and create important breakthroughs to improve the service of Basarnas to the people.

That concludes my statement on this auspicious occasion. And by saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I hereby inaugurate the 2022 National Working Meeting of Basarnas this morning.

I thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.




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