Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Inauguration of Panua Pohuwato Airport in Pohuwato Regency, Gorontalo Province, April 22, 2024

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 22 April 2024
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh.

Good morning,

May prosperity be upon us all.

Distinguished Minister of Transportation, Minister of Public Works and Public Housing, Governor of Gorontalo Province, Pohuwato Regent and Chairperson of Regional Representative Council (DPRD) who are present, Regional Leaders Communication Forum (Forkopimda), all children, good morning.

Our country is a big country, many times we do not realize that Indonesia is a big country. We have 514 regencies and cities, 38 provinces, and 17 thousand islands that all of them need infrastructure, be it for education services, health services, or connectivity, be it for seaports, streets, or airports.

If we do not have it, our country will lose in competition, cannot compete with other countries. Our products cannot compete with other countries’, fail to win the competition with other countries. Therefore, airports are very important for us to compete with other countries. What for? Mobility, increased mobility of the people and logistics, goods distribution can be better, because in the future, not big countries that will defeat small countries, but fast-moving countries that will defeat slow-moving countries. Therefore, we need to be fast.

I am happy, alhamdulillah, that Panua Airport in Pohuwato regency has been completed. Minister of Transportation has said that the budget spent reached Rp437 billion, this is such a huge amount of money, in order to open economic access to Pohuwato regency. The length of the airport’s runway is 1,200 meters x 30 meters. I see that 1,200 [meters] is actually not really sufficient, not all ATR can land. I came here aboard an ATR because the presidential plane cannot land, only light aircrafts. Therefore, I gave instruction in the terminal that the runway should be lengthened more, so all ATR can fully land at Pohuwato. Well, at least next year, but it can be this year, if possible, insya Allah. I think that concludes my remarks at this good opportune moment. Hopefully, the airport can make the economy in Pohuwato more developed that trigger the emergence of new centers of economic growth.

And, by saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, today, I inaugurate Panua Pohuwato Airport, in Pohuwato regency, Gorontalo province.

Thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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