Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Inauguration of Sarinah Shopping Center, at Sarinah Building in DKI Jakarta Province, July 14, 2022

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 14 Juli 2022
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Good afternoon,

May peace be upon us all.

Distinguished Fifth President of the Republic of Indonesia Prof. Dr. Hj. Megawati Soekarnoputri and all big family of Bung Karno including Guntur Soekarnoputra, Guruh Soekarnoputra,

Distinguished Speaker of the House of Representatives Puan Maharani,

Distinguished Ministers of the Indonesia Onward Cabinet, Minister of State-owned Enterprises, Minister of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises, Cabinet Secretary,

Distinguished CEO and Executives of PT Sarinah and state-owned enterprises in attendance,

Distinguished Vice Governor of Jakarta,

Ladies and Gentlemen.


Alhamdulillah, today we are seeing the new look of Sarinah, which serves as a vital icon of our nation that holds tight our memories from generation to generation.

I recall that in around 1973-1974 I visited Sarinah with my grandfather. At that time, it was only Sarinah that had an escalator. Back then, I went up and down. I remember it very clearly. I was elated. This kind of things hold tight our memories. People outside Jakarta who came to Jakarta also visited Sarinah.

Sarinah has a great history and meaning for the nation. The building was initiated by Indonesia’s Proklamator (somone who proclaims independence) as well as First President Soekarno, also known as Bung Karno, with a noble mission to trade Indonesia’s local products.

This is what we will continue.

I am glad the products have been meticulously curated and displayed in a proper way. This professional work deserves our appreciation.

This is the new look of Sarinah that has been transformed and it is officially inaugurated today.

Since (the renovation was completed) four months ago, how many visitors, Mr. Erick? The number of visitors has reached five million.

To that end, on this auspicious occasion, let me remind you that it is not only about the beauty of the interior building, but the spirit, the strategy, and the commitment that must be transformed so Sarinah will serve as a vital icon of our nation and enhance multiplier effects for producers of local products with a good quality.

While looking around, I saw high quality shoes which are costly. It is normal. High quality product with high price. I also saw tenun products, batik products that have a high price. Indeed, they should be sold at an expensive price.

Do not sell cheap high qualified products so it will give pride for us as buyers and the use of our local products will enable us to compete at the global scale.

That concludes my speech.

By saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, this afternoon I hereby inaugurate the Transformation of Sarinah.

I thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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